And, to think, there was a time when I wanted no pink in my gardens! Now, I can't seem to have enough! I am really going to miss these beautiful foxgloves when they are gone, and I am sure the bees will too.
The hummingbird garden is delighting me, as well as the little hummers that visit it every day. Bee Balm or Monarda is a favorite of mine and is just now starting to bloom. The flowers, with quilled and ruffled petals, remind me a great deal of the Burpeeana Zinnia which will soon be blooming. I do hope some of them will be red...and maybe even pink!

We sometimes go inside the Shanty and watch the little birds through the window. They can put on quite a show, you know.
We haven't done anything more inside the Shanty. I am resisting doing anything more until we put panels on the walls. Maybe when the hummingbirds leave this fall, we can throw open the door and go to work.
Take care, and thanks for stopping by!