It's not often that Millie and I see anyone when we are out walking our backwoods trails. That is, unless it's someone who is flying overhead in an airplane. We were standing on the banks of the big pond when that very thing happened recently. I just happened to have the big Canon Rebel in my hands, so I turned it upward hoping to get a good shot of the gorgeous plane in the sky above us. Undoubtedly the pilot liked that, so he/she maneuvered the plane around and flew back over us, lower this time. I got the shot I wanted before giving a big friendly wave. The plane, thankfully, didn't crash into the pond, straightened out and continued on out of sight.
Much to Millie's delight, most of our encounters are with four-legged critters, some of which are not-too-distant relatives of Mille. At a distance it is sometimes hard to distinguish between her and her cousins. A few days ago, she had, what I am calling, a close encounter with one of those cousins. She had just chased away Coyote Jr. when Momma Coyote came out of the marsh and put the chase on poor Millie. Thank goodness she is fast, but so is Momma. Maybe you can figure out who is who in the pictures below.
I have always had a soft spot, much to the Cow Puncher's chagrin, for these wild critters. Lately, they have been out in the fields almost every day "trying to make a living" as my dad might have said. They have been out among the grasses eating army worms and grasshoppers, both of which have been a plague for us this year. I say, "Let those coyote babies eat." Dan did ask me if I thought the big She-Coyote could outrun a baby calf. :~/
A wise old Native American once said that the last surviving critter on the earth would be the coyote. Given our experiences with them, we would probably agree. They do, in fact, do what they have to do to make that living I mentioned above.
We are really needing rain here on the hill. We have been in a hot and dry pattern for awhile now. To make matters worse, there isn't even any dew most mornings. When Millie and I walk those old cattle trails, we are kicking up a cloud of dust behind us, for sure. I can't believe I ever complained about getting my walking shoes wet. I think it is time to start doing some rain dancing here on the hill. How sweet are those rain drops below!