July is when the shaggy zinnias are doing their best to brighten our summer days. Well, I must say, they certainly are doing their job well. I am especially fond of the pinks and reds, and the bees and butterflies seem to agree.
July is the month when my walking year begins. This past week, Millie and I celebrated another walking anniversary. It has now been three years (1,095 days) since we have missed a day of walking over our hillside trail. These hot days, we head out first thing in the coolness of early morning when the birds are still singing and our steps are lively and quick...well, at least Millie's are!
July is a month for harvesting hay. There has been ample rainfall this year, so the yield is looking good so far. I do enjoy the work, for the tractor I drive has a very good air conditioner and an air-ride seat.
Earlier, I removed a lot of overgrown plants in many of the beds and gave them all fresh new looks. It required a lot of digging and shoveling, but it sure was worth the effort. I was so happy to check that one off the to do list.
And, just this past week, I was able to check off another big job. Thirty years ago, I mixed up paste, measured and cut, and put wallpaper up in my kitchen. Now, thirty years later, it is gone! Soaked and scraped, cleaned and sanded, ~ not even a smidgen of that old paper remains. The walls are now freshly painted with a nice clean coat of paint called Jersey Cream.~ just perfect for the kitchen.
The hummingbirds have already started to drink in earnest at the feeders. They are now consuming more than a gallon of sweet nectar a day. I am seeing a few small birds which are, undoubtedly, this year's young. They will need lots to eat between now and their great migration. I expect there will be six more weeks of heavy feeding. I hope to have them all fat when it is time for them to go!
And, last... I have been asked about the dolls. Well... they are still waiting in their cans. I have actually added tiny amounts of clay here and there since this picture was made, so there has been some additional progress. Right now, it is all about getting a pleasant expression on each sweet little face. I can already recognize each one without looking at the name labels. I love them all ~ no favorites!
Take care, and enjoy your July, for it is going fast. The days are already growing shorter!
wow that is a long stretch with no days off for walking. I love zinnias but have never heard of those they are beautiful.
I would not say I am brave kayaking I wear a life jacket and off we go.
happy haying.
Zinnias are such faithful flowers. They just keep on blooming until Fall.
Congratulations on you walking anniversary! Three years! I don't know of anyone else who has done what you've set out to do.
Have a great week. (Isn't it hard to believe that almost half of July is over?)
Beautiful zinnias Mary! So glad you and Millie continue your daily walks. We have tons of dragonflies this y=ear and love them because they love skeeters. Janice
Linnie Butts looks so angelic, I love her! Zinnias are about my favorite mid summer flower, beside sunflowers and black-eyed Susans of course.
I was surprised, but pleased, to see a post from you! Your zinnias are gorgeous!! Such a variety of beautiful colors. This is surely hay weather isn't it? Rose (?) looks a lot like a great niece of ours doesn't she.
That’s a lot of hummers! Congrats on your 3 year mark. Cheers to another 🌺. I too have noticed the days shortening ever so slightly each night/morning. Before we know it leaves will be falling once again.
Lovely garden - I have great respect for your walking record!!!
I loved everything about this post. Flowers birds walks...and photos!
Your flowers are just so colorful they bring joy to see! Congrats on the anniversary. That is a big accomplishment.
Congratulation on another year of walking! I love the exuberance of zinnias and enjoyed all of your photos, especially the ones of the bee and the butterfly. The dolls are patient, aren't they? Awaiting their expressions, but with grace.
I've been waiting for an update and you sure came through with flying colors in your gardens! Your zinnias are outrageously gorgeous! The Great Mullein are one of my favorites as well. Butterflies and moths love them when they bloom. You make hay? WOW!
I planted zinnias from seeds this year. They've come up but no blooms yet. Yours are beautiful.
So nice to see a post from you and congratulations on completing yet another year of walking. Never missing a day in all that time is quite an accomplishment!!
Zinnias were one of my mothers favourite flowers and her garden was always full of them. Oddly enough we could never seem to grow them - some sort of bug always chomped the baby plants off before they had a chance. Glad you're getting rain - it's been scarce here and the farmers are in great need of it. We did get some a few days ago but only in localized areas. I'm so happy to see another photo of your sweet little dolls - they have the sweetest expressions on their faces.
Mary, your photos and words are lovely! I miss having zinnias in my garden. Last year my seeds failed to germinate for the first time ever. This year I was unable to find more seeds at the garden center. We walk early as well and find it such a wonderful way to begin the day.
Your shaggy dahlias have sprinkled bright and happy colour to my wintry day. How gorgeous they look sitting ever-so-perky in their garden bed. Your garden is looking a treat, Mary, with all that wonderful colour; with the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds enjoying all that the flowers gift. It is always the happiest of treats to visit your lovely place and catch a glimpse of your sublime dolls. Your days are getting shorter.....and my are beginning to lengthen. Aah....I sense a whiff of spring for me.
These flowers gives me peace .Thank you
You are a far better woman than I! I got up at 4:30 this morning and it was 80 F. That doesn't sound bad but the humidity just drains me!
But I can't stop walking because of that or I wouldn't walk until November! LOL!
Your flowers are so lovely with all the different colors and your doll faces are sweet...they are forming and all so unique and precious.
Stripping wallpaper...been there done that and I tried in this house but someone didn't seal the drywall before papering so when I tried to remove it it started tearing the drywall. I had to seal the wallpaper and paint over it which I would never do otherwise.
Keep up the good work on your walks. I'm sure you walk farther than I do. I need to take the car and see how far I walk. I used to walk lots farther years ago but I have slowed down a bit. Take care and stay well. Oh, BTW, I can't access my blog so this is a new one while I'm waiting for Google to get back to me OR I get a new blog somewhere else. I'll let you know!
I thought for sure that I had commented on this. I LOVE your dolls! Can't wait to see them finished. Blessings! ~Carolyn
Your flowers are fabulous. Three years of walking is a wonderful feat. Great job.
That coral pink zinnia is my favorite -- but the whole lot are heartening! I think I may have to grow mine from seed next year to get the colors I want; the nurseries always seem to have them in mixed colors.
I am amazed to hear how much nectar your hummers are consuming! I put out a pint every few weeks. What goes? I know I have one hummingbird... maybe the neighbors have all the others??
The Jersey Cream paint, I must look into!! That name is so evocative, it makes me think I need it in one of my rooms still to be refurbished. Thanks for the tip. Who makes it?
Gretchen, I think the coral pink zinnias may have moved ahead of the reds as my favorite, too. However, there is one of the reds that is outstanding. I love the Jersey Cream paint. It is a Sherwin Williams color. I did semi-gloss because it was going on over wood paneling. Many years ago, I had painted all the walls, except the one that I papered, in "Washed Gold" by Colony paints. I never tired of that color, so when I took down the old paper, I wondered if I could match it, and I did, perfectly, with Jersey Cream. I am still working in the kitchen and have just finished refinishing the cabinets...so ready to be finished with that job!
I love you photos of the zinnias. They are such beautiful flowers. You are so fortunate to have air-conditioning in your tractor. Farming has come a long, long way from the good old days.
Pretty! Love the ones with all the butterflies...just the epitome of a summer's day.
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