Saturday, June 12, 2021

Shades of Purple...

All because of a foggy camera lens on an ever-so-muggy day, it seemed I had missed out on some fabulous garden pictures. But did I?  Determined to see if I might be able to pull a bit of color from the photos in question, I took them to my photo editor to play around with.  And, I love the results.  I don't think even Van Gogh could be happier.  How about that purple!  I do think the pictures look like they were painted in watercolors, which I might be inspired to try to duplicate when my hand is more able.   

Our back yard surely is filling up. Each year, it seems, we add something new.  This year, it was a new clothes line which I am so thankful for.  The old one was only a temporary one and sagged pitifully so that the sheets sometimes brushed the ground.  

I like that the garden shanty is now brown.  I can't believe that I climbed ever so precariously up into the high places to paint it,  and, that during that time, I never made a misstep.  But this year I stubbed my toe  when simply walking across the shop floor and ended up in a hard cast for over six long weeks.    

A work in progress, this area in the backyard garden has pretty much been on its own for those six-weeks.  I am so anxious to get back to work here. Some of the plants I had meant to move may have to wait until fall or next spring. I can't believe I even considered, at one time, just mowing this garden down. 

Linnie is back again over at the other blog, which can be reached by clicking on the picture at the top of this page.  She is happy to have a dress of her own and would love to show it off.  

Now, I need to clean up the sewing room and get ready for my appointment  first thing Monday morning.  Good bye, old cast, and good riddance!  YAY!


nookworm said...

Oh, your pictures are very unusual and artistic. Of course the subject matter helps! I'm a bit envious of your ability to still hang clothes out on a line, because I can no longer do it. I used to be so proud of my fresh laundry and really miss the joy of the hanging out. Really nice shed there lady!

Olde Dame Holly said...

I am glad that cast is coming off. In the old days, the affected limb would look pale and weak for a few days. I don't know if that's still how it is in this modern world, though. Your photos of the hummer came out so artistic and beautiful. I could see those framed!

Debra said...

Oh wonderful! The cast will be gone! I LOVE your photos-you are a true artist. Can't wait to see the watercolor painting you will do!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

What a wonderful painter-ly effect with those photos....frameable as they are I think. Seeing your 'shanty' (love that name!) made me think what an amazing art studio it could be. Ah, to dream of a space like that to create in.....

kat said...

So glad you'll be getting your cast removed, it must be incredibly itchy in the heat, you will feel freed for new adventures, but take care not to push it too hard!
What lovely photos of two of my favourite plants, verbena and bergamot. Your hummingbirds obviously love them as much as the bees and other buzzies do here. You also picture one of my favourite domestic things - laundry on the line (yes I know that is a bit strange). Here in the UK we are under the impression (or at least I am!) that this is utterly forbidden in the States. It is one of my favourite tasks, standing in the sunshine pegging out laundry and listening to the beauty of the world around me, because of course what would be the point of pegging laundry out in the rain? I'm amused to find my preconceptions shaken.
Linnie's dress is delightful, I especially like the way the buttons echo her rust and cream striped stockings. What an enchanting thing she is with her slightly quizzical expression. You are a very talented soul.

Hill Top Post said...

Ha Ha ! I just have to reply to this comment. I have actually been having visions of a swiveled frail-looking and pitiful skinny little arm, covered in dry flaking skin and long black hair. We will soon know! :~)

HappyK said...

The pictures turned out fantastic. They do look like paintings.
Love seeing clothes blowing in the breeze on a clothes line.

Morning's Minion said...

I love the leggy stalks of monarda. I have plants to move as well--I lost crucial spring gardening time recovering from the DVT. When summer weather hits plants quickly outgrow their space, weeds explode. I've so often wished I could wear myself out doing garden chores and then come inside to find that housework and meal prep have miraculously happened.

Lady Locust said...

Oh yay that you get your cast off. And your pictures sure do look like paintings - love the sheets blowing in the wind :-) Off to see what Linnie chose.

TheCrankyCrow said...

The photos turned out lovely...I am especially fond of that last "muggy" one. I so love sheets on the line. I actually finally sleep like a baby (well, usually) when I have done the sheets and they've been dried on the line. I do need to find someone to tighten the lines though as my sheets are getting precariously close to the ground as well. Your garden shanty is no shabby! ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

Good luck at the doctor. I broke my toe helping my daughter move one year. What a klutz I was that day. LOL Your flower photos are so wonderful and yes its a good thing Van Gogh is not around anymore. You may have outdid him. Janice

Granny Marigold said...

Oh happy day! The cast will be GONE. I like the picture of the sheets on the line ( surely you weren't able to peg those out?) Those first 2 pictures do have a water colour sort of look.

Henny Penny said...

You're right about the pretty purple pictures and that little hummingbird looks painted on, there in mid air. The Shanty is wonderful; I would move in today! Love the clothesline and the sheets blowing in the breeze. I really need a new clothesline. Mine doesn't sag, just the high, too tight, and over a snaky looking area. :) Maybe soon. So happy that your cast is coming off.

acorn hollow said...

I love the seeing the sheets in the breeze! So sorry about your foot but glad it is over.
you gardens are lovely enjoy them winter here is long

Hootin Anni said...

I love the charm of that photo of the laundry swaying in the breeze...comforting!

Inger said...

I love pictures of washing on the line. I hang my laundry on the lines too. And when my petunias lured a humming bird away from my neighbor's feeders, I was delighted.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What awesome photos. I love the colors. Your gardens are so lovely.

Megan Schetsche said...

Those foggy pictures really pop with colour now that you've edited them. I think we often try too much for perfect realism with our photography. I'm certainly guilty of that, I don't even experiment with interesting angles. Something to work on...
I hope that by now your cast is off and that you are moving freely and without pain.