Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Garden Gone Wild...


The Zinnia Garden, also known as the Garden Gone Wild, wasn't exactly my doing this year, as most of you know.  I didn't sow the seeds.  They just happened while I stayed away.  And, stay away I did.  This little garden has a history of having ticks in it (ever since we brought manure in from the horse barn), and I was so afraid of getting one under my cast..  

But, once the cast was off, I was out here almost every day trying to salvage what I might.  About a week ago, I finally chopped and pulled the last of the weeds and grass out, tossing  them, as I did each day, over the back fence.  The cattle seemed to think that I was harvesting hay for them, so they would come every day to eat what was there.. They seemed to like it.

I think Mother Nature did a pretty good job.  I have taken notes not to sow next year's seeds as thickly as I usually do.  I did add a few old accent pieces before we did a little photo shoot.  Mother Nature had nothing to do with those.  I am not sure she likes rust as much as I do.  :~) 

I am adding one photo I found on my photo card of celebrations on the 4th.  The cattle and I enjoyed the neighbors fireworks while Millie hid out in the garage.  


Granny Marigold said...

Wow! Hard to believe all those zinnias are volunteers. That bed is obviously the right place for them. I've not had zinnias self-seed in fact I have trouble growing them at all. But I have quite a few volunteer snapdragons. I'll keep trying to grow zinnias while continuing to appreciate my snapdragons.
Great shot of the fireworks.

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Mary, Lovely garden-I always loved zinnias and the butterflies love them too.
Perfect setting for watching the fireworks-Happy new week

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your "Garden Gone Wild" is lovely....Zinnias are such colorful, happy, flowers I think. I do need to sow more seeds rather than rely on volunteers. Your accents are the perfect finishing touch...I am sure Mother Nature would readily approve. What a pleasant little area to sit with a glass of tea and visit with her a while. ~Robin~

Leigh said...

Such a pretty little spot. I toss my weed offerings over the fence to my goats too. Like your cattle, they seem to think it's a special treat just for them. :)

mamasmercantile said...

That is an amazing photo of the 4th. Impressive.

nookworm said...

Your garden is lovely. I like simple and natural landscape views. You've nailed it!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I like your Garden Gone Wild - as far as I'm concerned, those sorts of gardens are the best. The touches of rust add a lot too. So glad that your cast is off and you can resume some of your normal activities.

Quilting Babcia said...

What a beautiful view of your neighbor's fireworks. Love your zinnia garden too especially with the added vintage garden accessories.

HappyK said...

I love your wild garden - they are my favorite kind of gardens!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Poor Millie.
But, gorgeous image.

And the zinnias are very pretty. Too bad the ticks are so abundant. (Did you find any after the cast was "cast"?

Prims By The Water said...

The ticks are real bad here this year. Dont blame you for not wanting to get one on you. I had one on my forehead one time. Freaked me out. Love your garden and the rust in it too! Janice

acorn hollow said...

I love zinnias! Mine are up but no blooms yet this year. We need to see the sun. Good you have weed eaters to take care of them

Olde Dame Holly Rose said...

Nature did a find job on that zinnia garden! But ugh, ticks!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Zinnias are such lovely bloomers! I chuckled at the cows enjoying your weeds - I do the same here, only my chickens enjoy them! Your garden looks quite delightful and so happy! Enjoy the beautiful blooms!

Debra said...

Your last photo is so wonderful! The cows are so peaceful, watching the fireworks! Your flowers are beautiful. I hope all is well without that ole cast!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

How lovely and serene your photos are! All of the flowers are beautiful!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

you got the perfect photo of the fireworks! Your garden flowers and the cows are so serene!