Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Cooler Morning Walk...


What a glorious morning it was for a walk up and over The Hill.  It was a cool 55 degrees when on this 844th consecutive day, we put on jackets and boots and grabbed the sticks.  How long it seems since we had temperatures  so cool!  My leaf-dyed trail jacket, which you'll probably remember from the previous year, was the perfect weight and thickness for the walk up and over.

Millie wore the same coat she always wears, but it's, never the less, a fine one that resembles my trail jacket somewhat, I think.  It has been a bit too warm for her on the oh-so-many long hot days of summer, but for today she seemed to think it was just perfect.

It's always fun to have company show up along the way.  This morning, we found our guy waiting on us near the pond.  He offered us a ride, but we declined, preferring the walk on such a beautiful day.  


A little cloth-covered notebook that my daughter gave me a couple of Christmases ago has become a book of favorite quotes.  I have included several quotes by Marcus Aurelius and other old Stoics, of which I will share here later.      


Lisa said...

Oh, you're such an artist!

kathyinozarks said...

Good evening Mary, I love your walking coat and I really love your journal too. I miss walking When we still lived in the woods I worked up to 3 miles a day except not in cold weather. We live on a gravel road that is a circle with two very steep hills. one of them I don't think I could do any more--and the road is a real mess now-whom ever is taking care of it does not know what he is doing haha. I do really need to get out a bit for exercise.
I don't have much strength right now and I have lost 10 pounds now since I ate too much ice cream when it was so hot.
Oh well-take care and have a good week hugs

Prairie Rose said...

What a view for your walks! It would never get tiring to see; especially with the changing of the season. I love your journal with its drawings and quotes. Although our days are still warm we do have cooler temperatures in the early morning hours.

Prims By The Water said...

Lovely pages from your notebook. Is that a huge lake on one of your pics or the ocean blue? Janice

Morning's Minion said...

There were quite a few days of the August heatwave when I didn't walk any farther than the compost heap or the spot where cat litter is dumped. Several cool bright days have meant walking again on the loop around the upper and lower meadows.

jabblog said...

What a beautiful walk and so much pleasanter in cooler weather. Now, it if would only stay 'just right.'

Saundra said...

It was so chilly last night I had to get up and retrieve a comforter to throw on top of the bed. Supposed to warm up next week and I'm not anxious to turn on the heat quite yet.

TheCrankyCrow said...

What beautifully glorious views you have!! Precious walking companion - and, yes, her walking coat is lovely indeed. Love your notebook of quotes and doodles. Glad to hear you've gotten some fallish temps there. We had our first real frost here this past weekend. Brrrr.... ~Robin~

HappyK said...

Glad you got to walk in cool weather. 42 degrees here this morning when I walked.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Of course you know I loved the quotes, made even better by your charming illustrations.

acorn hollow said...

Our mornings are very brisk also. your beautiful book is beautiful on the inside too.

Bonnie K said...

Loved the quotes and drawings. What a lovely gift. Your coat is nice. It is cooling down to sweatshirt weather here.

Rose said...

I want to look and see if I can find another post about your jacket...I would like to see it better. And hear the story behind it if there is one.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Fab pics. I love the quotes, very thoughtful.