"Walk with me; don't just walk me. Slow down and see the world as I do. I know you've got things to do, places to be. But out here, with the ground beneath our feet and the sky above us, there's a whole world worth noticing.
The autumn chill is in the air today, crisp and full of new smells. It's different from yesterday, and different from the day before. Every day is new. The leaves crunch under my paws, and I stop to breathe in the rich, earthy scent of them. To you, it might just be a pile of leaves, but to me, it's a story - one I can't help but dive into, nose first.
So, slow down. Breathe. Let the chill fill your lungs and the colors fill your eyes. Walk with me, don't just walk me. See the world as I do, if only for a little while. It's all waiting for you, just beneath the surface."
~ Facebook, Dogs World
I am working hard on this. It has become a new rule: Pay close attention to your surroundings. Do not think about other stuff. I had kind of allowed myself to slip into the habit of doing just that - a time to work out problems and to make plans, etc. How many times have I said to Millie, "I need to talk to you about some things." What a waste it was to get to the end of the trail and realize that I had seen nothing of the woods and fields and sky. I think Millie likes the new rule and I know that I do.
P.S. You should see how well the kitties are doing. And, how big they are getting. They love me now. All four of them. Even Elon, the wild tux kitten which you can see hiding behind the door. He is still shy and very wary, but that may be a good thing when it comes to surviving in the great outdoors. He loves for me to stroke him, and purrs like a motor boat. Here he is with Margo waiting on food. You'll notice that I still feed them in the cage, but it is never closed. I thought it might come in handy to have Elon there when it comes time to take him for his vet visit. I have never picked him up, but I hold and kiss the other three. I think Elon wants me to hold him. I may try that tomorrow.
To see the world as a dog does is good advice. If only we could get down on all fours . . . and manage to get up again! It makes me sad to see people with dogs not paying them any attention as they walk.
The kittens have become cats and handsome they are. Each of my departed dogs loved when it snowed (I didn't of course) and they would push their nose up to their eyes into the snow, sniff and lift a wedge of snow on their nose. They also used to love biting the snow and eating it or rather feeling it melt on their tongue and in their mouths.
Yes, I'm sure Millie likes the new rule.
I'm thrilled that all 4 kittens are tame and loving now. It takes time but it pays off in love received.
I agree totally with the "dog's point of view". I see so many people walking their dogs while looking at their darn phones. For that matter people also push strollers while ignoring their little ones as well as their surroundings. Life is precious. We need to be aware of that.
Great quote! You always find the very best ones! The chill here would certainly be felt in your lungs these days. Our real feel temp today was 12º...and our actual temps will be single digits for lows. Awwww....look how big those sweet kittens are getting!!! I bet Elon will melt if you pick him up... Do let us know how it goes! ~Robin~
There is so much beauty around. A walk is a great time to enjoy it. :)
I try to do that while I am walking but it is hard when you have a busy brain and it keeps wandering off on you.
I guess it is good we don't live close...I would be wanting one of the kitties. Oh, I think your new rule for walks is a great idea.
I love it. Also the pictures. Thanks for the nice quote
We would all do well to pay close attention to that quote, especially in these trying times when peace is so hard to find. Please give sweet Millie and the kitties special skritches from me!
Who can resist a kitten[?] Should we even try?
Sometimes I think I am trying to 'walk off' my thoughts, but usually I'm aware of the nearly daily changes in my repetitive loops of the meadow path. Taking the camera along helps me notice what is around me. Lately I'm seeing winter birds--or maybe they've been there right along and with nearly all the leaves down the birds are more visible.
That's a lovely meditation on walking a dog! It's good to just forget yourself while out in nature. The little cats are so cute!! I hope you and Elon are buddies by now!
My goodness the kittens have grown! I agree with you about enjoying the journey. I try. It doesn't always work, but I try.
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