Monday, April 13, 2020

Why can't we have pretty ribbons in our hair?

Was it my imagination, or did I actually hear one of the girls ask, "Why can't we have pretty ribbons in our hair?"  Well, they have had those old muslin rags tied round their heads for such a  long time, it seems, so a pretty colored ribbon probably would be something these tired and weary girls would long for.

These two have been quite happy to have made it safely through the claying process and are anxious to get on with the next stage, which is getting a cloth covering over the clay.  One of the girls met with a bit of bad luck and had to have some major reconstruction, so she fell behind the others.  She is now almost caught up, though.

It is the hair that they should be most concerned with, I think, for I am.  Why, I am having so much trouble with my own hair that I wonder what I will be able to do with hair for these five young ladies.  With all of the beauty salons around here closed,  I have had to cut my own hair.  Talk about bad hair days!  

There are just so many lovely things going on outside at this time of year.  It's terribly hard to stay inside and chance missing out on something.  Why, just take a look at the little persimmon tree that lives on a little peninsula at the pond.  It is getting all decked out now in its new, but nothing-fancy, leaves.  (No doubt, she's the most photographed tree on the place. Why, I could do a complete album with nothing but pictures of her in every season and weather.  And, maybe I will one day."

There are colorful surprises to be discovered almost everywhere one wants to look...along the trails we walk,
and in yard and garden's every nook and cranny.

Until next time...  Take care.



lil red hen said...

Poor girls! I bet they will be happy to get out of those cans! ;) They sure have pretty faces. Is that your clematis blooming already? It seems everything is slow to come to bloom here, and now with frost predicted I must cover up the peony. It happens every April!

Rose said...

Oh, your girls have such a wistful expression in their eyes. They are beautiful.

My hair is never looks really good because it is just straight as a board and does not curl... I am going to have to cut on my bangs one of these days.

I told Roger, we are going to go for a drive somewhere this week...on the backroads...just need to be out a bit. Had not had a drive other than a detour long before this sheltering in place. I say that and then chicken out about getting out anywhere other than where I have to go.

Lady Locust said...

They are going to be gorgeous girls. Don’t forget the ribbons for their hair. That sounds like something I would do. (Forget that is.) 🌷

Leigh said...

I love the faces and expressions on your girls. And your pretty outdoor photos too!

HappyK said...

Beautiful pictures.
Ken cuts my hair. Just trims the ends so not very hard to do. He cuts his own hair too. His grandfather was a barber so it must run in the family. :)

Quilting Babcia said...

I love to see each phase of your doll-making process and see their unique personalities develop as you progress. They're all so very expressive, pensive, wistful, sometimes those eyes hiding a bit of mischief just out of sight. Bringing them to life must give you so much joy. Your world is a lot brighter and warmer than ours right now, but hopefully in another month or so we shall see flowers bloom again.

Kim said...

Your girls' faces are exquisite and remarkably the white muslin strips are perfect. I smile at the sweet conversations shared amongst all your girls. A tree is always glorious to gaze upon in every season. They are never the same, with each day revealing something different of their beauty. Your little part of the world is singing the sweet song spring. Thank you for sharing all those gorgeous vignettes.

Hildred said...

Spring is everywhere. Love your image of the little bird on the clematis trellis!

Hootin Anni said...

Everything about this post...well, it just makes me smile. I always look forward to getting updates of your life when you post. Take care, stay safe, and don't forget their ribbons for their hair!!

Sam I Am...... said...

How you make such beautiful faces on your girls is amazing! Such talent you have. Not only do you have a beautiful pond but an island too! Your blooms are lovely too. Enjoy your Springtime. Stay well!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I think we'd ALL like pretty ribbons in our hair these days - not only cheery but to cover up the messy hair! I'm lucky because my DH is willing to cut mine and he does a pretty good job. Your wee girls are adorable - would love to watch you making one just to see how you sculpt them and then how you add the cloth covering. have a lovely garden space. We live in an apartment so only a small balcony that's currently in dire need of a coat of paint.

jenclair said...

Your girls are so amazing that I'm not surprised that they voice their opinions! You have a lovely space for enjoying the beauties of spring--thanks for sharing.

GretchenJoanna said...

I agree with everyone's comments about your lovely dolls. Thank you for sharing the evolution, the deepening of their beauty.

You inspired me with your 1,000 walks - I am now keeping count of mine and my goal is 100 days in a row. Were your 1,000 walks made in 1,000 days?

Prims By The Water said...

Loving those expressions on your girls. Looking forward to see more of them. Janice

Hill Top Post said...

Gretchen ~ Yes, 1000 walks in 1000 days. I was afraid if I missed a day, my motivation would be spoiled. It's really amazing how fast a thousand days can pass by. Today was 1010.

Granny Marigold said...

Fortunately you were able to fix whatever mishap one of your girls had. The process of creating them amazes me. You have a gift for it.
Your tree is so pretty on it's own island.
I wear my hair long, straight, and usually tied up in a scrunchie so no problems here.

kat said...

Oh what beautiful wistful faces those girls have, they might be dreaming of velvet ribbons perhaps. Your garden too is lovely, such warm rich colours in the evening light

nookworm said...

Your girls are seeming to feel melancholy at this time. I'm sure they'll perk up when you touch them and talk to them again. They are developing amazingly well and I await their coming out party. have flowers! We had 5" heavy wet snow last night. As for my hair...I'm NOT going there!

acorn hollow said...

very sweet girls. you have way more blooming than we do I just wish it would warm up more.

Lady Linda said...

Love your little ladies. Your photos are so pretty. I enjoy your blog!

Bonnie K said...

I love the photos. Not looks like things are going well. I'm glad to see it. Thanks for sharing and take care.

The Hermits said...

During our recent move to a rental here in the mountains (while we build), I realized I'd spent the last two weeks with no makeup and no hair styling--and several mornings waking up after falling into bed with wet hair! It's surprisingly liberating to discover that nobody really cares, and the world didn't fall apart because I wasn't wearing my "war paint".

Can't wait to see your dolls finished--with everything in storage, I'll have to live vicariously through your doll making for likely another year!

Rose said...

I just had to come here and agree with you about animals having sense and reasoning abilities. Some people will say it is only learned behavior. Well, Duh! that is all of us when you come right down to it. I used to read a blog, which I won't name here...I was sort of fascinated by 'his' and by hers...the he in this case is an author...and 'she' makes quilts and 'art.' And he has a dog he calls the 'love dog'...well, they have her...or did. I sort of quit following. But he was claiming that we just give our dogs and animals human feelings...that the animals themselves do not actually feel it. Yet he called this dog the Love Dog! Sort of contradicted himself.

MyFarmhouseBlue said...

I am so far behind in blog reading. I hope to get caught up with your's today. I thought my own blog was lost to me forever. Had a computer update that messed up a lot of things on my computer. I finally had to reset it to factory new and was not prepared and forgot/lost a lot of things. Hopefully I can fix that with time.
I love, love, love, your dolls and can hardly wait to see them finished. They may be by now, so hopefully I will see soon enough. Goo health and happiness to you!