Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Spring Peepers...

If you should care to, listen here to the songs of spring peepers. They have given me such a bad case of spring fever, like nothing else can do. From here on the porch last evening, Millie and I  listened  while the sun was setting in all of its magnificence. 

It always takes me a week or more to adjust to the new "fast time" as we call it, but we don't really change things up much from season to season or year to year.  I am reminded of one of my favorite passages from Vincent Van Gogh.

I must continue to follow the path I take now.  If I do nothing, if I study nothing. If I cease searching, then, woe is me.  I am lost.  That is how I look at it --keep going.  Keep going come what may, but what is your final goal, you may ask.  That goal will become clearer, will emerge slowly but surely, much as the rough draft turns into a sketch, and the sketch into a painting through the serious work done on it, through the elabortion of the original vague idea and through the consolidation of the first fleeting and passing thought.

~ Vincent Van Gogh

  It seems many of you are already doing some spring house cleaning.  I will have to get around to that eventually, probably when we shut down the wood-burning stove, but for now my heart is in the great outdoors, or at the sewing machine sewing on ruffles and lace for the dolls.  I just love this video of Bernadette Banner trying out her new old sewing machine.  

A blogging friend sent me some wonderful vintage pieces from old clothing, which are just the dearest things.  Our little Linnie seems to have claimed these old pieces for her very own, which I think will be so fine for her.  You will notice that she is now wearing the bonnet, which seems always to be causing a great stir among the dolls.  They all insist that they want bonnets of their own.  This thing may go on and on into next winter when the snow flies once again... 

Until next time,



Quilting Babcia said...

Spring peepers, how we've been waiting for them too. Much too early here, as we've had snow this morning and an inch or two more predicted for Thursday. But the robins and red-wing blackbirds are back and that's the best sign we have right now.

Bonnie K said...

I love to hear the spring peepers! Unfortunately, 'innovation' has caused people to fix the mud holes in the road and now they have nowhere to mate. I miss hearing them.

Olde Dame Holly said...

Of course Linnie must have the first bonnet! It's only fair. The girls have spring fever, too, and new bonnets are the answer!

Granny Marigold said...

Linnie does seem to be somewhat strong-willed so if she says she gets the new old fabrics for herself then I guess that's how it will be. The bonnet sure does suit her. No wonder the others want bonnets too. You're going to have to make them sooner or later or they won't give you a moment of peace.
We once lived beside a swamp with Spring Peepers. Oh my but they sing sweetly.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Ah...the spring peepers, I remember them so well from when I grew up on the farm. Don't hear them now that we live in town though. Love that wonderful vintage sewing machine - it would be so much fun to play with. And Linnie is looking so perfect in her new outfit. I love that wonderful expression on her face.

Rose said...

Lonnie is such a beauty...I love the look coming from her eyes.

I heard spring peepers just the other day and have regretted not making a little video to capture their sound ever since.

acorn hollow said...

we are having the wild fluctuation of late winter here now. Monday it was so cold with the wind chill well below zero and yesterday it was 36 we still have snow on the ground I can not wait to get out on my porch and hear the peepers.
I have started a bit of cleaning my kitchen cupboards were a mess and I took a morning to scrub them. But I am just picking away at things when the spirit moves me.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, thank you so much for the peepers video-I was thinking about them this week, and miss them this year. We had several ponds at our woods home-loved listening to them.
Perfect quote too-thanks I have my Grandma's old machine that she had electrified and put in a case so she could take it to the quilting bees at her church. Haven't sewn on it in years. They are such beautiful machines. Loved the bonnet

Debra said...

Oh what a wonderful post! You and I are certainly kindred spirits! Peepers singing are some of my most favorite things on earth. The quote from Van Gogh is so appropriate (probly spelled that wrong!) too-and drew me right in because I am reading a book of his letters. My son sent me the book, which makes it all the more cherished. How lovely your dolls are, and the fabric is just perfect!!!

nookworm said...

Oh yes! The peepers will soon be making songs at the "bass-end" of our lake. (That is the shallow end.) I saw my first robin a couple of days ago wandering alone on the snowy road when it was so windy. He looked lost. I love your Vincent passage. So true. As for Linnie, she must learn to share.

happyone said...

What a beautiful sunset with the rocking chair!!

Prims By The Water said...

What a lovely bonnet! Have not heard our Spring peers yet. We live near state land where we can hear them at night too! A wonderful song they sing. Janice

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

The spring peepers are certainly a loud bunch! We do not have that kind of toad/frog here, but we do have the rain toads.....which make a long low sound. And they are also quite loud with a large rain. How sweet your doll looks with the bonnet!

Gretchen Joanna said...

Thank you for all the peeks into your springtime comin' in -- as always, with a very personal, homey, but elegant mood.

That video is charming.

The Hermits said...

Enjoy your spring peepers! And hurry and get those girls their own bonnets or you'll have a doll riot.

Buttercup said...

Thanks for visiting Buttercupland. Hope you'll stop by often. Love the quote from Van Gogh. I'm planning a Van Gogh post next month for A to Z. Happy walking!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

It is always such a transition with the spring time forward, isn't it! Even the animals are quite perplexed as our schedule changes. It is always lovely though, to see more of the sun! We are having beautiful sunshine here too, although today we did get some snow. It has all melted, and the sunshine will be back tomorrow. Sure do love spring-sunshine! Many blessings to you :)

Megan Schetsche said...

Spring is a magical time. It doesn't usually awaken creativity in me though, because I develop a fever for gardening and being outdoors. I loved hearing your peepers. In our garden, we have the type of frogs that go 'burp, burp' with here and there a 'ribbit' thrown in.