Saturday, October 2, 2021

Looking to the Sky...

Here on the hill, we look at the sky a lot, both day and night.  Many of my iPhone pictures are of  spectacular  clouds and amazing sunsets, but never of constellations...until now.  I would never have dreamed of being able to capture such a beautiful picture with just a simple phone camera.  Can you see the constellation, and if you can, are you able to tell what it is?  A clue might be that we are facing northward.   

This picture was taken one evening at our son's poultry farm.  I thought it was quite wonderful too.  We are facing east in this one.

And here, we are facing westward where we enjoy so many beautiful sunsets.  Late evening is a great time of day to be sitting on the porch. (Or out doing chores.)


And now here's an update from the last post.  The mamma cow never changed her mind about the twins.  She wanted only one calf to raise, so we had to take over the job.  It is doing well and loves its bottle.  It is already spoiled and wants to be our pet.  Millie thinks the calf is her charge to look after and watches after it like a good stock dog should, but we are careful not to let her into the pen with it.  Sometimes she seems a bit jealous of it when I am doing the feeding.    

We are looking at jackets over on my sewing blog, Linnie Butts and Company, if you would care to take a look.  Last week we updated the sewing room, so you can find that there too.  



Leigh said...

You certainly do have a good view of the sky!. And what a sweet photo of your calf. I once had a goat who had triplets, and decided she could only manage to feed two. She was willing to mother the third, but not feed him. So I bottle fed him. It was more work than mother-fed, but it was a very sweet experience for me.

nookworm said...

In your first photo I think I see the Big Dipper. I only learned a few from when I was a child. The calf is beautiful. Is it a bull calf or a heifer?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I wouldn't have dreamed of attempting to take pictures of the night sky, at least not with that much detail. I've tried many times to get pictures of the moon but they never turn out well enough. I'm guessing the Big Dipper in the first one (but I'm not up on my constellations!). As for the bright one in the eastern sky, we can see that one too and I haven't a clue what it is.
And bottle feeding a calf - a lovely thing to do but I imagine it's tiring. Such a sweet little calf!

Debra said...

Is that constellation the Big Dipper? I'm happy about your new pet calf. I am also a sky-watcher. I just naturally look up whenever I go outside, and when I am at a window inside the house. I have been watching Orion in the southern sky-it comes around 4 am or so-good view from our bathroom window.

Olde Dame Holly said...

I am terrible at constellations! Is it Pegasus? How sad about the little cow. I am glad you are helping it.

Hill Top Post said...

I had so hoped it was a heifer calf when I first saw it, but that is not the case. So, we have a market calf in the making. The constellation is the Big Dipper; a good one to know in case one gets lost and needs to know directions.

Hill Top Post said...

The view from the east is of the rising moon and Venus, I think. Our world has so many artificial lights that many people never see the constellations.

Hill Top Post said...

I remember from reading your blog that you are a sky-watcher. I wish we could get together and watch together. It is the time of year for Orion the Hunter to become more visible. I love him!

Hill Top Post said...

I have read deserts are the best places for gazing up into dark skies, so you should easily find the Big Dipper. Lucky you!

TheCrankyCrow said...

What stunning photos - especially the first and the one of the sunset. I am a sky watcher too, but prefer the night sky...preferably with a moon and/or some clouds. I've injured myself more times than I care to remember following the moon and not watching where I am going. Your phone (or the operator) takes far better photos than mine (me?) Never have been lucky enough to capture any constellations... It is fascinating to watch the constellations and how they move as the nights pass... Sweet little calf niece is constantly nursing some it calf, kid, lamb, kitten or chick... ~Robin~

Granny Marigold said...

Your phone takes amazing pictures! I love sky pics and especially sunrises and sunsets which we rarely get to see. Too many houses etc.. in the way. But I remember the views from my growing up on the prairies where we took those views for granted. In winter we'd see the Northern lights. Those I don't think we took for granted though.

kathyinozarks said...

The big dipper? I never did learn the constellations. we don't use smart phones-but I am always amazed with the wonderful photos they take. I am loving your photos-thanks for sharing with us-and I love the jackets Our pets easily get possessive of us don't they Hugs Kathy

acorn hollow said...

I need a new phone but hate to pay the price ugg. Oh that dear little calf so sweet. The sky is so beautiful.

HappyK said...

I can never figure out the constellations in the sky. I can find them all over the place! :)
Glad the calf is doing well with your help.

Prims By The Water said...

My guess is one of the dippers. Never know which one. Too bad that the calf was discarded by mama, however so glad you took in. Janice

Hill Top Post said...

I think of that too, Sandra. Even though we live hundreds and hundreds of miles apart, we can go out and gaze at the same heavens above. I can imagine how beautiful the desert skies must be at night.

Hill Top Post said...

Oh, the Northern Lights! I would never take them for granted either. Lucky you to have grown up on the prairies where you could see them.

Hill Top Post said...

Those new phones are a major investment for sure! I hope mine lasts for a long, long time.

Hill Top Post said...

You would love feeding this little calf. Come on down and help us out! :~)

Hill Top Post said...

The Little Dipper is harder for me to find, too. Raising a calf on a bottle is a commitment for sure, but we have done it lots of times before.

Hill Top Post said...

Hello, Kathy! I can imagine grilling outdoors and gazing at the sky there by the lake on a cool October evening...Heavenly! I know you are enjoying the cooler weather. We are!

Hill Top Post said...

Oh Great...Another sky watcher! But, you must be more careful! I almost injured myself once wearing a welders helmet during an eclipse.

Hill Top Post said...

I am sure bottle feeding your baby was about the same as for our calf. We really wish the mother had done her job, but the calf was not going to survive as it was.

Henny Penny said...

Mary, I love your blog and enjoy your posts so much. I've simply got to look at the computer more. Sometimes it will be two or three days. Anyhow, your sky pictures are beautiful. Glad the little neglected calf has you for a mama now. That is so sweet, but a job I'm sure. Enjoyed you first day of fall post and also seeing the pretty plane flying above you and Millie. The shanty is is perfect! Love the bench and the bell addition. Henny

Rose said...

It has been so long since I fed a calf with a bottle...I suppose that long since I even petted a calf. Yes, I saw the Big Dipper...these are wonderful photos.

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Such a sweet little lamb. So good that you are taking care of it. You got such lovely photos of the sky!

Elderberry-Rob said...

so glad you can raise the calf, I would love to feed it!

The Hermits said...

One thing that takes the ache out of having moved so many times: I can alway find Orion in the sky. He might be in different places over the seasons, but the sky is a comforting constant.

Bonnie K said...

I'm super impressed you got the stars. I've never tried. I raised many bottle calves. Always fun. I love your photos. I can't help taking photos when I see something beautiful.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What awesome photos of the sky! I love the little animal. It's so cute.