If my count is correct there are now eighty-three finished (or almost finished) pages in the new little journal. This little book is already not wanting to close properly because of the slightly ruffled pages caused by water coloring many of them. (Yes, I know I should have used proper paper for this, but I wanted to use this little book because it was a gift from my granddaughter) so I have been thinking that perhaps I shall have to write more and draw less which might also be equally inspiring. Beautiful expression with words is one of the finest forms of art, for which the great painter Vincent Van Gogh would readily agree. He once wrote on this subject in letters to his brother.
"To put it no higher, my God how beautiful that is. Shakespeare - who is as mysterious as he? - his language and his way of doing things are surely the equal of any brush trembling with fever and emotion."
And, with that I decided to try recreating Van Gogh's Self Portrait here in my journal. If I had known the sketch would turn out so well, I would have moved it farther out onto the page, so his entire hat was visible. I was so excited about him that my brush almost trembled with fever and emotion. :~)
August ~ almost out the door. It has been a month of beautiful sunsets, for sure. And we'll not be forgetting here on the hill that this month brought us much needed rain, for which we are so thankful.