Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Navajo Harvest Rug and the Last Bale 2022...


I missed posting my favorite full moon of the year, September's Harvest Moon, but it still seems appropriate here with "The Last Bale."  It was glorious!  (And so was Jupiter!)

And, for the journal there is my own sketched version of a Navajo Harvest Rug done in watercolors.

From the Web, of course.  And, worth every penny of $2500, don't you think?  (But not in my budget!)

Field Notes:

Date: September 20, 2022

Time:  3:19 P.M.

Temperature: 97 degrees F.

Event:  The last bale of the season was successfully rolled and wrapped.  

Significance:  The cattle are assured of ample feed for the winter.

We are thankful!

On another note, there are lots of rolls out there to be hauled to the hay lots, but that's not in my job description.  :~)  

As for me, I am looking forward to some cooler weather so I can get the gardens, both old and new, ready for winter.  And there's the brick paver project that got put on hold last year when I broke my wrist.  I feel ready for it now and have decided to put the pavers down in the Shanty Garden where I want to expand the seating area.  

This week I did some sketching in the journal but haven't had time to do much painting.  One of my sketches that I love so much is of Omar, which I will share soon.  I wrote one of his quotes in the journal. 

"To all of us the thought of heaven is dear~

Why not be sure of it and make it here?

No doubt there is heaven yonder too,

But 'tis so far away~

and you are here.


Until next time...


Hootin Anni said...

Yes, it would be worth every penny if it fit in your budget. 😉

Itseemswarm for everyone. We need some cooler weather!! I look forward to your next journal share.

acorn hollow said...

Yes the rug is worth every penny.
What a blessing to have the having done especially in that heat.
Love the quote and so true.
Good luck with your pavers

Quilting Babcia said...

Those Native rugs are surely worth the price, not that we could afford it either, but I've long admired their work from afar. Textiles are such an interesting thing, so lovingly created, yet rarely appreciated in this day of cheap big-box store knockoffs.

Granny Marigold said...

"Why not be sure of it and make it here." To me these Autumn days are heavenly. 25C is the afternoon temperature but the mornings are chilly and a jacket is needed when I go walking. I'm Spending as much time outside as possible.
The Harvest Moon was amazing. Because of the smoky skies it appeared to be very dark orange.
Good luck with your brick path. That should be fun.

kathyinozarks said...

Beautiful post Mary. I have always loved Navajo rugs the yarn is always so fine too. Loving your journal sketch.
Must feel sooo good to get the last of the hay finished, we are really hot here too-hopefuly today is the last of it as we are to get cooler tomorrow.
Love your moon photo too hugs

kathyinozarks said...

oops I knew that wasn't the moon-smiles

Saundra said...

Native Americans create wonderful and beautiful works. I don't have one of t heir woven rugs but have a fair amount of their jewelry. Sadly I don't go anywhere to wear it anymore.

nookworm said...

I LOVE your journal entry and the hand-drawings. The image that got my eye of course was the hay bale. I see such beauty and promise in them. Hopefully you will get your shanty garden project completed. Oh! and I saw the moon and it saw me!

Debbie Nolan said...

Mary your sketch of the Navajo rug is lovely and your last photo of the moon is gorgeous.

Our neighbor has been baling hay this past few days on our land. It looks wonderful in the field waiting to feed livestock for winter.

Hope you are enjoying lovely September weather.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

The last bale of the season - definitely worth celebrating, but also somewhat sad to know that the need for them will soon be upon us.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ahhh, my dear friend....I wish I could send some cool your way. Fall is entering right on que; coming in on strong winds and cold rain. We are to be in the 50's for highs and 30's for lows the remainder of this week...I have not had the courage to look further than that. Our hay crops have long since been harvested and now the corn harvesting begins. I shall miss the fields of corn that have insulated me from the rest of the world these many days. I have long been a fan Native American art and skilled crafts but my studies were centered on the art of Northern North American Native Americans. If I didn't despise the cold so much, I just might be living with a Tlingit tribe right now (or if I hadn't chickened out, on an archaeological dig in Egypt LOL). I love your wonderful watercolor version of the woven rug.... Well done. ~Robin~

HappyK said...

I guess I live in one of the few places that it is cool. 56 degrees when I went walking this morning.
Love your journal and you have the nicest printing!!!
Bet it feel good too have that last bale of hay rolled.

Debra said...

Your beautiful posts leave an impression on my heart...

Julia said...

A lovely journal entry and your watercolor painting and script are amazing. Being a farmer's wife, I can't help but admire that beautiful hay bale. Having the haying done with is always so reassuring that the cattle will not go hungry this winter.

My husband has retired from the dairy industry but still is selling hay to mostly horse people.

Rain is coming down in buckets and we are bracing for Hurricane Fiona his weekend.

Take care,

Prims By The Water said...

All older rugs seems to be quite expensive now. So glad I was able to get mine at reasonable prices. We actually had Fall weather here. A bit chilly all day, but I loved it! Janice