The big oaks outside our doorway are doing their thing ~being magnificent and beautiful~ even on this rainy day (which I am loving).
This old cement pot decorated with oak leaves and acorns is one of my prized possessions ~ just perfect for a little hillside garden carved out among these gigantic old white oak trees.
I did, however, run into one rather large problem, which I think, with Hubby's help, is now solved.
I have a cow, a pet really, that comes to the back fence to nibble on scraps I toss over ~ things like potato and apple parings. ( I am careful not to toss anything over that might be harmful to the cattle.) The problem arose when Old Pet and some of the calves began to nibble on straw and pull up the weed barrier that I had put down in the new garden border. There were only two solutions ~ abandon the project or put wiring over the planks. I chose the latter.
Here Ole Pet is trying to reach through the planks to eat from the bird feeder. Oh, but back to my story...
We had various rolls of old fencing, some quite rusty which were even more to my liking, that was just the right height. And, as a bonus, the old fencing would cost zero dollars, which is pretty important these days when the cost of almost everything is soaring. I presented my plan to Hubby, and, abracadabra, here it is tacked to the planks along the new border so the cattle can't reach under and through. I think it looks wonderful! Hubby is still a bit dubious! But, it looks as though Old Pet will just have to be content with potato parings (and maybe a handful, occasionally, of sweet feed especially made for cattle.)
It is always good to reuse and use up. It looks great. I have been thinking a lot too sounds like good advice.
That's a mighty big pet, lol. Perhaps looking at you waiting for more handouts.
Wonderful photos, new and old. :)
Love that you have a pet cow!
I loved your post, I think you could write a book for us all to read-hugs and love your drawing and photos too no rain today but I think it is coming in tomorrow.
Reading your post today about the white oak trees made me think of your old blog "Chip Butter White Oak". I always wondered what that was about. Maybe I have figured out half the story now? Your trees are amazing. I love your porch and gardens. Not everyone has a pet cow; but I truly like yours. Best wishes on a beautiful garden next Spring and Summer. You are meant to have that journal. You do so well filling in the pages. (Sandra)
Your pet cow is lovely but hungry, lol. A good thing your husband was able to help with protecting your garden. I'm sure the apple pie helped to change his mind.
The cement pot decorated with oak leaves and acorns is so lovely; no wonder it's one of your favourite things. I didn't know you had a pet cow. She must watch for you, expecting those apple and veg. peels.
Learn to darn. Hmmm. I remember my Mom teaching me to darn woolen work socks. I wasn't very good at it.
Perfect outcome!!
I love that you have a cow that comes to visit! I'm contemplating fencing part of my yard in, so we can get a donkey :) There's just something I love about having a farm animal to greet me when I get home.
A rainy say in Sussex today as well, they are good for sitting indoors and getting on with "stuff" aren't they? In my case a long-term project to digitize all those vinyl albums that have been sitting in a box for longer than I can remember! Lovely to revisit songs I've not heard in many years.
You delightful cow is much easier to restrain than our badgers, who live at the bottom of the garden. Fence they'd say, pah!, we can dig under that, or just rip it down with our big claws. hence we don't try to have a well groomed garden! Your autumn colours are ahead of ours, but they are coming gradually, it has been so mild here in the UK but a chill is on its way
Love your ole pet! Repurposing old stuff is right up my alley too. You and hubby done good! That's an interesting stump in the background of your shanty garden. Yes,I can still darn. Walk on........
Just sharing....
That cement pot is great! Animals will certainly find a way to get what they want. So glad you were able to use the old fencing. Yes everything these days is costing way too much. So much that I am fo-going retiring for yet another year. I think we are getting your rain tomorrow. Better than snow, but not good for trick or treaters. Janice
I bet your 'pet' was a little disappointed. It is always great to make something old new again.
Oh I love how your idea turned out! Is there anything better than rusty and rustic? Your pet cow is really beautiful. Don't think I've ever seen one so pretty and white. I so agree with the last line in your journal, "thinking about making things is pretty darn satisfying in itself". I go around most of the time with an idea in my head of something to build or change.
Oh I love your pet cow. She looks like one you could hug. I love the new old fencing too. We are hoping for a rainy day here-it is very, very dry. The painting is beautiful.
That "new" fencing looks like it has belonged there for ages. Naturally beautiful!
We always gave our cows the shucks when we did sweet corn...whether it was for a meal or if we were doing a lot to freeze...they so loved them. We only had 8 or 10...each had a name. And a personality all their own. Love seeing that someone else still does this.
I always say this but I do love your sketching/painting.
That first photo is picture postcard-worthy! Beautiful scenery from your little corner of heaven. I'd love to skritch that cow under the chin because I suspect she'd love it.
AND...a little birdie tells me that somebody is celebrating something today (Nov. 1) - hope it involves some cake!!
Yes, MM, it is a special day here on the hill! Thank you for remembering!
Have nice day today :-) I love the cow and well done "Hubby".
What a great fix for the garden. Perhaps Pet was not as happy though. Ah the sweet life of the bovine. Love your shanty garden...Your brick walkway looks so good t to.
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