Wednesday, February 28, 2024

how was your day?


How was your day?

"It was a mess.  It was a fight.  

It was a war with the world 

and myself."

Who won?

"I'm still standing."

-Topher Kearbey

My daughter's daily text usually asks, "How was your day?"  I often find myself wondering how I should answer that question, so when I read the above quote from Kearbey, I tried this one on her.  She loved it!.  

It was a warm last week of February (until today).  One of those days, when walking the trail, I had to leave my jacket behind to be retrieved later.   It had been a while since that had happened. I loved it.  

Life is short.  Break the rules,

forgive quickly, kiss slowly,

love truly, laugh uncontrollably,

never regret anything that makes you smile.

-Toby Keith

(July 8, 1961 - February 5, 2024)


Granny Marigold said...

My day was fine. The weather was such that I couldn't go walking ( wind and rain). You're fortunate to have had warm days and clear skies.
Toby Keith died much too young.

jabblog said...

That is a lovely response to your daughter's text.
Your first photograph is delightful.

acorn hollow said...

Poor Toby Keith he didn't know just how short it was.
So glad to see you post we have had a bit of crazy weather warm, rainy, and now back to winter.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Just passing....
Here's a Blog you might enjoy...
I've been following it for some years now..

Thankyou...God bless..! :).

Saundra said...

Thought provoking quotes and beautiful photos. Happy Leap Day.

TheCrankyCrow said...

While I absolutely love the quote, these 3 photos in your post still my soul. ~Robin~ (So glad to see a post from you!)

Lisa said...

Oh, I love that last photo on the porch. Beautiful. I saw a robin today! I know some robins stay all winter, but not on my street - I am glad spring is coming. :)

Debbie Nolan said...

Mary I am glad to read that you are enjoying warmer weather for your walks. Mine for the most part of February have been quite it was cold but promising to be warmer tomorrow. Love your photos and especially of the deer and the rocking chair. What a special quote as well. Hugs!

HappyK said...

What a lovely place to sit and watch the sunset.

Debra said...

When I saw your jacket hanging on the tree, I thought -"Maybe some deer will grab it and carry it away!" You would have to follow the tracks to get your jacket. Perhaps you'd find the deer wearing it.
Spring has made me tipsy for certain!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I don't know how the first photo shows up on other computers but when I first opened your post I loved seeing the deer peeping up at the bottom of my screen. It wasn't until I scrolled down that I was able to see the whole thing. And yes, small things amuse me no end.
Sitting in that wonderful rocking chair with that view would be wonderful!

Jennifer said...

Hooray for days that cause you to leave your jacket behind!! Looking for and enjoying any sign of a new season!:)

Prims By The Water said...

I sure did love Toby's music. He will be missed dearly. Janice

Bonnie K said...

Love the quotes!

Bonnie K said...

I hope you are ok. I miss your walks.

Granny Marigold said...

I have just discovered that you're blogging over at Linnie Butts now. However, I don't seem able to comment there.

Rose said...

I have been checking this blog ever since I started blogging again...and I did check the other occasionally. I see that you are posting there a bit. I was so glad to see you comment on Granny Marigold's blog. I hope all is well with you. I hope you reach your 1000 walks and beyond.

Again, so glad to see the posts on your other blog. I could see no way to comment there.