Thursday, March 20, 2025

Wild Winds...


It's time for fresh new flowers in the Garden Shanty, don't you think?  I do still like them, though, even when they are old and dried.  

All seemed safe this morning in my little bird-watching, note-taking, outdoor hide-away, thanks to newly installed door hardware.  The door had developed an inclination to swing wide-open with every strong puff of wind, exposing the interior to whatever wild weather happened to be blowing through.

Fierce wild winds had already begun to blow when Millie and I walked our trail yesterday morning.  I knew strong winds were in the forecast, but I dilly dallied too long feeding and playing with the cats, etc. before heading out.  The walk up the hill, bearing north was not so bad, but once we reached the top and turned westward, we were slammed.  My watch even alerted me of "excessive noise."   

 I hardly noticed my surroundings, for I walked with my head bent low against those fierce winds, and was intent only on getting back home. I don't know if there were deer in the meadow, or if there were more new green leaves on trees at the pond.  I do have some pictures of deer on my phone that I took a couple of days ago.  They and the coyotes are regulars on the hill.   


I continue to pick apart a couple of favorite old jackets from which I want to make patterns. It is slow, tedious work.  One of the jackets, which my mom made, is quite complicated.  I do wonder, as I told a friend, if I can ever get it back together again - kind of like Humpty Dumpty and all the king's men and all the king's horses.  

The original pattern is lost.  I have searched vintage patterns, but to no avail.    

One of my jackets made by Mom, but not the one I am taking apart.


acorn hollow said...

Taking that jacket apart is quite a job.
The winds have died down here thankfully

Saundra said...

Wow, I used to sew and even made wool 3 piece suits (lined) but stopped doing that years ago. That jacket is beautiful!

Prims By The Water said...

Your mom's jacket is wonderful. We had rain, freezing rain and now its snowing right now. Mother Nature was not good to us this first day of Spring, but I would take this over high winds. They always scare me. Janice

Lisa said...

That's a very nice, sturdy-looking pink jacket. Your mother was quite a seamstress! And yes - the wind lately!!

Morning's Minion said...

I went out at dusk on Wednesday and didn't enjoy my walk as the wind was coming up. It was the prelude to a sleepless night of howling wind and a bitter day for the arrival of spring.
Lovely detailing on your vintage rose jacket.

kathyinozarks said...

are you taking photos as you take it apart? I would never remember otherwise etsy has a lot of vintage patters as does ebay.
enjoyed the photos hugs

Granny Marigold said...

Happy First Day of Spring...although it sounds like you got blasted with wild weather. Thankfully your shanty door will no longer fly open when the wind blows.

jabblog said...

I like the texture of your photographs - they're almost three-dimensional.

Debra said...

Love the jacket your mom made, and also the beautiful rug on your shanty floor. Wondering what your flower garden plans are for this year. The poppies you gave me were so pretty last year, and I know they will be back!

TheCrankyCrow said...

What a comfort to know your little refuge will once again be safe from the weather. I have a door like that and, unfortunately, no one seems to be able to figure out the issue. The winds are fierce here as well. While even on a calm day, the winds blow in Nod, there are times when the winds are even more vicious than others...these past weeks have been "one of those times." Beautiful jacket your mother made...she must have been quite the tailor. Such a lost art. Good luck with the pattern reconstruction. ~Robin~

Gretchen Joanna said...

So glad you bent your head down and focused on getting through those wild winds and home.

I have had plans to make patterns from favorite garments for almost 30 years. I know I can do it, if I accept the process with all the "boring" and challenging aspects, because I did it before. You inspire me!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sounds like that wind was an issue pretty much everywhere. Glad you got home safely and that it didn't blow your door entirely off.
I love the design of that jacket and I will be interested in knowing how you make out with the ones you're using to create patterns. Not a thing I would ever manage to do.

Bonnie K said...

My husband and I hurried this morning to get our walk in before it snowed. I'm glad you were able to walk, despite the windy conditions. Good luck with the jackets. I was never good at pattern sewing.