Wednesday, February 26, 2025

"Chip by chip, day by day...

I enjoy this place from which I can watch and record bird activity.  It's hard to imagine that the first hummingbirds may be here in just over a month.   


Look at this weather acting all cute and springy like it didn't try to kill us last week.  ~From Facebook, of course. Fortunately we did survive the near record-breaking Arctic blast of last week, and now, it's as though spring has arrived in all her glory.  How great it is!  I am sure we must all have the worst case of spring fever ever.  I know I do!

We weren't far up the trail this morning before I realized I was way overdressed, so off came this old jacket, which is in reality just a liner from an old army surplus coat. (I am currently working on a new trail jacket that I can't wait to leave hanging on a cedar peg.) These old cedar branch stubs must surely have a purpose, wouldn't you think?    Over the years, there has only been one time that I forgot to go back to retrieve my coat left hanging there, and only realized it when the following morning I couldn't find my coat.  I was thankful a burly ole bear didn't find it before I did.     

"Do not curse the mountain for its height.  Climb it breath by breath, and let patience be your guide.  Endure not as one burdened, but as one sculpting a legacy, chip by chip, day by day."  -Stoic Wisdom

Today was walk # 1,055.  "chip by chip, day by day..."


Lisa said...

I like that saying! Yes, patience. And yes, the cold last week did not kill us, but I have spring fever, too! It's so nice this week, the snow is almost melted and I hope to go outside soon just to see if I can do anything this early in the way of cleanup. :)

HappyK said...

It is nice having a break from all the COLD weather. I took my coat off while walking this morning too. :)

Saundra said...

I know what you're talking about, it's a fake spring intro. And I worked outside cutting away some wisteria vine and also got quite warm with the unusual mild temperatures. But am sure Mother Nature is fooling us again with more winter type weather ahead.

kathyinozarks said...

I love your space for alone time or bird watching. enjoyed the photos=hugs

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your header photo is just amazing! Yes, chip by chip, day by day is how one endures and ultimately succeeds. Congrats on continuing to rack up the walks. The weather has mellowed here as well...but it will be much longer than a month before the hummers return here. ~Robin~

Granny Marigold said...

Although our winter is not as severe as most areas still, we had 2 weeks of snow and below zero temps then almost overnight the snow melted and now we're having an early spring. I hope it stays nice even if it will no doubt rain a lot. I was outside just in a cardigan again today 💗💗💗

Prims By The Water said...

We had two artic blasts this year and more snow than in past years Driving home in snow and freezing rain was terrible, so yes I am ready for Spring. I was thinking what a bear would look like if it did get your coat. Luckily it did not. Kudos on the number of days you have walked. What an accomplishment, Janice

jabblog said...

Nature provides a handy wardrobe. I'm sure I'd forget my coat more often than remember it.

acorn hollow said...

How wonderful you see bare ground. We still have a lot of snow on the ground and 4 more inches on the ground again today

Debra said...

Hello and Good Spring to you! There's still snow here, but the birds have been telling me to just be patient-in their "We know it's Spring," little songs. Today I heard the mourning dove for the first time this year. And we saw our first grackle eating seed under the main bird feeder. Glorious!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sadly, I think spring here is a long way off because there's a ton of snow to melt and we're supposed to be getting another storm starting later this afternoon. I want to step out on the balcony and yell 'enough already' but I suspect the neighbours wouldn't be pleased.

Bonnie K said...

When I worked as a sawyer it would be really cold in the mornings so I wore lots of layers. One day our boss came out to see how we were doing. He found my jacket hanging on a tree, then a sweatshirt, then a long sleeve shirt, then a tee shirt. I think he was wondering what I had left on at the end. I was wearing a tank top. I thought it was funny.

Elderberry-Rob said...

is that picture real!?? it's a reflection of absolute beauty :) Betty