"I find it good to be out this still, dark, mizzling afternoon; my walk or voyage is more suggestive and profitable than in bright weather. The view is contracted by the misty rain, the water is perfectly smooth, and the stillness is favorable to reflection...The solitude is real too, for it keeps other men at home...My power of observation and contemplation is much increased. My attention does not wander. The world and my life are much simplified."
& MORE...Particularly about cats.
"Gather kittens while ye may
for time brings only sorrow
and the kittens of today
will be old cats tomorrow."
The kittens had their appointments at the vet clinic. It sounds like such an ordinary and common thing, doesn't it? But, NOT! These feral babies are anything but "ordinary and common."
The plan from day one was simple enough - Feed kittens in wire cage. On the appointed day, close door. Load cage, kittens and all, into Jeep and take to vet.
But, it didn't happen that way. When that big, tall scary man went into the crib to help carry the cage things got pretty wild. As our granddaughter said, "They were like bouncing off the walls." It was probably a good thing that the door came open and three of them escaped. Well... One was better than none!
And, that's the way it was done. One cat at a time. By the time, this ordeal was over, we had made a total of eight trips to the animal clinic. The kittens began to get very suspicious of my every move, so that by the time I got to Kitty #4, she was quite a challenge. But, now they are all back home and doing well. And, I am no longer having nightmares about catching cats!
such a peaceful photo unlike the episode with the kitties I applaud you for sticking to it Hoping at the vet was a bit better-hugs
I see you were able to capture the beauty of ice particles on your tree by the pond. That is not easy to do. You have created an amazing photo! So happy to hear you were finally able to get all 4 kittens to the vet. Hopefully, with Spring and Warmer Weather they will calm down and want to playfully / interact with you more. I know I am ready for Winter to be gone and Spring to arrive!
Oh, my goodness, Mary!! Such an ordeal for you. (for them, too, I suppose) I love the cat rhyme. :)
The kitties have a wonderful home! I hope you are well...
Cat wrangling is not an easy chore at the best of times and having to do it that often is more than any one person should have to cope with. Glad you accomplished getting them all looked after though.
Beautiful photo and insightful musings by Thoreau. ("Mizzle has always been a favorite word of mine.) Sorry to hear the herding of the kittens turned into such a circus. I feel your pain every time I try to crate my two to go to the lake or come home...(they sleep in those crates any other time!) and I only have 2 and they are not feral. But glad, in any event, you got them taken care of. I hope the days have been good to you. ~Robin~
Well!! That sounds like quite an ordeal.
GD Kate had Ruger neutered and ever since he has been a totally different cat. Before he was friendly; now he hides from almost everyone. It's been months now and whatever traumatized him he hasn't gotten over it yet.
Even when we had indoor cats it seemed they knew something was up when we brought out the cat carrier. Glad you were able to get all the kittens to their vet appt. Janice
The commitment of caring for/feeding semi-feral cats takes a toll, both emotionally and financially. We've always rescued too many--some with indoor privileges others who are indoor/outdoor and others who are strictly dooryard/barn cats. There are currently at least two toms who slink onto the porch to eat [and do other things] and then disappear for several days. Finances don't stretch to attempting to trap and neuter them. The indoor cats appear to be suffering a bout of 'cabin fever'--constant spats!
Now that must of been a vet bill and a half.
Lovely picture and poem
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