Thursday, March 20, 2025

Wild Winds...


It's time for fresh new flowers in the Garden Shanty, don't you think?  I do still like them, though, even when they are old and dried.  

All seemed safe this morning in my little bird-watching, note-taking, outdoor hide-away, thanks to newly installed door hardware.  The door had developed an inclination to swing wide-open with every strong puff of wind, exposing the interior to whatever wild weather happened to be blowing through.

Fierce wild winds had already begun to blow when Millie and I walked our trail yesterday morning.  I knew strong winds were in the forecast, but I dilly dallied too long feeding and playing with the cats, etc. before heading out.  The walk up the hill, bearing north was not so bad, but once we reached the top and turned westward, we were slammed.  My watch even alerted me of "excessive noise."   

 I hardly noticed my surroundings, for I walked with my head bent low against those fierce winds, and was intent only on getting back home. I don't know if there were deer in the meadow, or if there were more new green leaves on trees at the pond.  I do have some pictures of deer on my phone that I took a couple of days ago.  They and the coyotes are regulars on the hill.   


I continue to pick apart a couple of favorite old jackets from which I want to make patterns. It is slow, tedious work.  One of the jackets, which my mom made, is quite complicated.  I do wonder, as I told a friend, if I can ever get it back together again - kind of like Humpty Dumpty and all the king's men and all the king's horses.  

The original pattern is lost.  I have searched vintage patterns, but to no avail.    

One of my jackets made by Mom, but not the one I am taking apart.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

"Chip by chip, day by day...

I enjoy this place from which I can watch and record bird activity.  It's hard to imagine that the first hummingbirds may be here in just over a month.   


Look at this weather acting all cute and springy like it didn't try to kill us last week.  ~From Facebook, of course. Fortunately we did survive the near record-breaking Arctic blast of last week, and now, it's as though spring has arrived in all her glory.  How great it is!  I am sure we must all have the worst case of spring fever ever.  I know I do!

We weren't far up the trail this morning before I realized I was way overdressed, so off came this old jacket, which is in reality just a liner from an old army surplus coat. (I am currently working on a new trail jacket that I can't wait to leave hanging on a cedar peg.) These old cedar branch stubs must surely have a purpose, wouldn't you think?    Over the years, there has only been one time that I forgot to go back to retrieve my coat left hanging there, and only realized it when the following morning I couldn't find my coat.  I was thankful a burly ole bear didn't find it before I did.     

"Do not curse the mountain for its height.  Climb it breath by breath, and let patience be your guide.  Endure not as one burdened, but as one sculpting a legacy, chip by chip, day by day."  -Stoic Wisdom

Today was walk # 1,055.  "chip by chip, day by day..."

Monday, February 17, 2025

Thoreau & More...


"I find it good to be out this still, dark, mizzling afternoon; my walk or voyage is more suggestive and profitable than in bright weather.  The view is contracted by the misty rain, the water is perfectly smooth, and the stillness is favorable to reflection...The solitude is real too, for it keeps other men at home...My power of observation and contemplation is much increased.  My attention does not wander.  The world and my life are much simplified."  

& MORE...Particularly about cats.


"Gather kittens while ye may

for time brings only sorrow

and the kittens of today

will be old cats tomorrow."


The kittens had their appointments at the vet clinic.  It sounds like such an ordinary and common thing, doesn't it?  But, NOT!  These feral babies are anything but "ordinary and common."  

The plan from day one was simple enough -  Feed kittens in wire cage.  On the appointed day, close door.  Load cage, kittens and all, into Jeep and take to vet.  

But, it didn't happen that way.  When that big, tall scary man went into the crib to help carry the cage things got pretty wild.  As our granddaughter said, "They were like bouncing off the walls."  It was probably a good thing that the door came open and three of them escaped.  Well...  One was better than none!

 And, that's the way it was done.  One cat at a time.  By the time, this ordeal was over, we had made a total of eight trips to the animal clinic.  The kittens began to get very suspicious of my every move, so that by the time I got to Kitty #4, she was quite a challenge.  But, now they are all back home and doing well.  And, I am no longer having nightmares about catching cats!  


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Winter 2025


The Pond Jan. 10, 2025

We got snow!  Lots of it... A walloping  total of ten-inches.  Millie and I made our daily walk, despite the fact that I had only 7-inch boots.  Thanks to Dan who made tracks in the snow for us to follow.  How beautiful everything looked!  I have no words to describe it.  Just Wow!  Walk #1,008 was certainly not one to be missed!  

I know this post is long on pictures and short on words, but, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

I will add that the kitties holed up somewhere during this entire event for 2 1/2 days, but are all safely back in the fold. 



The Next Day - January 11, 2025 ( I love those oh-so-blue skies!)

Saturday, January 4, 2025

One thousand walks and the Kittens make a move...

Well, Millie and I did it.  We made our long anticipated 1000th walk over the hill.  The world didn't seem to notice, but to us, it was something to celebrate.  Lots of memories are locked into those 1000 days, some of which I photographed, but most of them are like "a river, glimpsed once and already carried past us, and another follows and is gone."  (Marcus Aurelius)  I will post a few pictures taken from those 1000 days at the end of this post.

In other news, the kitties moved themselves to another barn. When I went to the old barn on New Year's morning, I found nothing but an old empty crib.  All of my sweet kitties had gone missing.  One can imagine the thoughts that raced through my mind.  It wasn't until we were doing the evening chores that we spotted one of them in the tractor barn.  What to do?  Has anyone ever had success at herding a bunch of cats?  

They were all quite anxious and very wary, having reverted back to some of their wild ways.  Their mother was, after all, a feral cat, so their DNA was not to be denied.  There would be no catching them that day to return them to the safety of the old crib as Dan suggested we do.  Besides, I couldn't help but think, that maybe they were wiser than we were.  Was there some danger lurking around the old barn that made them seek a new safer place?

I was relieved that they were all safe and still together.  In hopes that they would return on their own, we left them in their new place, which was a bit more than a quarter of a mile away from their old place.  I did not feed them that day.  

Early morning of the next day, we found them just as we had left them the evening before.  They were hungry.  I fed them.  They had found a tub of bale-wrap mixed with hay in which they had obviously slept.  So, there you go....  Cats will be cats.  I moved their feed and water dishes to their new abode and made their bed better.  I stroked all their backs this morning.  

I'll never forget the late night walk Millie and I made in which we were harassed  by the coyotes.  

Or, of when we went walking after midnight, and caught up with a family of raccoons in a hackberry tree.

And, walking in a snowstorm should be on everyone's must do list.  Right?

I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start, and that you are doing better with your resolutions than I am.  I am not giving up.  Just blaming it on the kitties!  Ha Ha!
Until next time,

Friday, December 20, 2024

Walk # 987 & Merry Christmas!


ONE THOUSAND WALKS is a big deal around here... at least for Millie and me, and we are oh-so-close to that number having made our 987th trek over this old hill this morning.  We've only accomplished that feat one time before, and that was back in February of 2021.  Here's the way it happened.

From my calendar pages, I wrote on February 14th. "Low of 14 degrees, High of 14 degrees.  Snow and oh-so-cold.  It was probably a dumb thing to do, but Millie and I walked the lower trail to the old Black Jack tree and back down the hill.  As a result I felt tired all day. 1,314 walks."

February 15:  Low 7 degrees, High 16 degrees.  Our walking streak is broken!  The weather was just too dangerously cold today at single digits.  And, the snow kept coming down, now measuring about 6 inches.  

February 16:  -7 degrees (Negative 7 degrees)  We had sunshine!  Millie and I walked the hillside trails.  We are now under a winter storm warning.  It is snowing as I write.  We aren't counting anymore walks...maybe never again.  (But, we did!)

February 17:  So, Mother Nature gave us another couple of inches of snow, making a bit more than 8 inches on the ground.  I tried walking but the snow was deeper than my boots were tall.  Besides, I worried that Millie might get out on the pond ice and fall through.

So, if the Lord is willing and if the creeks don't rise, as I used to hear people say, Millie and I will be out on this old hill doing our 1,000th walk on the second day of January 2025. We will celebrate a bit with Dan, and then the next day we will hit the old trail again.  Who knows, we might even make it to 2,000!   

Here's hoping your season is filled with joy.

Merry Christmas!
