Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"Wild With Leaves"...

October 2018

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
~Anne of Green Gables 

October 2017


October 2018

Notes from last year's calendar page...

Looking back at last year's calendar page, I see that the first day of October didn't start out so well.  I had written, "We began the day in the vet clinic with our sick Millie.  Diagnosis:  Tick fever.  An anti-inflammatory injection had her up and about by the time we got home."

One week after Millie got sick, things seemed to be improving greatly.  "There were at least a half-dozen hummers here throughout the day.  We worked a bit in the new Shanty Garden before going for a Sunday drive to the mountain.  We took our lunch.  Millie is eating a lot now, so surely she is getting better.  She is barking at the coyotes as I write ~ sweet music!"

On the 13th, "We built our first fire of the season in the stove."  Then, I had added,  "This year may be remembered as the Year the Hummingbirds Stayed."  By the 15th, our high temperature for the day was only 48 degrees.  "It was a cold, damp walk over the hill, so I brought out the old green wool coat."

Our first frost was on the 21st.  "Two little hummers are still here!  They are going to freeze their tales off."  Then I seemed to be chastising myself for not getting more done.  " I blogged this morning - such a waste of time I guess, but it forces me to write, which is good.  I must get organized, clean up and get the Christmas dolls finished."  But, it seems I didn't take myself too seriously for I ended by writing, "We went walking, looking for ginseng on the hill.  Millie loved it."

It was not until the 23rd that the last two little hummers finally headed south,  "Another oh-so-lovely fall day. There were two little hummers here this morning and again just before dark.  One clinging to each of the two feeders, drinking long and hard as though their lives depended on it."

The next day, I concluded ~ "I hope the last two little hummers are faring well on their flight south. I saw no little hummers today.  Farewell and safe travels."


What is there not to love about October?  A friend of mine once said, "It's like every leaf is celebrating."  How sweet that is...   I think we shall be celebrating this glorious month right along with all those wonderful leaves.

Listen the wind is rising
And the air is wild with leaves
We have had our summer evenings
Now for October Eves!

~Humbert Wolfe

October 2017


Lady Locust said...

What a wholesome post. I do love the line your friend said. You appear to be a bit ahead of us in the way of color. Patience, I know.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is my first time ever seeing a journal kept on a calendar. it is a great idea. I am not a journal keeper, but I like this idea instead of a notebook. that first photo is stunning and says peace and quiet and solitude without the use of words.

jenclair said...

It is nice to look back and see what was happening on the same date or in the same month of the year before. Your fall photos are so wonderful! It isn't happening here yet, but I love the leaves and the color, and I've always agreed with Anne about Octobers!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Awesome photos of October. So beautiful. Good thing you kept the entries of previous years on the calendar. Good to look back. Happy Fall!

HappyK said...

Fall is such a pretty time of year. I'm happy to live in a place where we have all the seasons.
I kept a journal for years but quite once I started blogging.

Hootin Anni said...

You had me with every word! And, I'm glad Millie recovered so quickly. Yes October is a celebration of time from days ago ... today ... and the days to come. Stunning inages.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

October is a wonderful month. I agree with Anne Shirley! It's 95 degrees here today! Hopefully October will soon moderate to Autumn. I adore the first photo with the lovely reflections. Very few hummers are drinking from our feeders these days.

Prims By The Water said...

Our hummers left awhile ago. So love October, but the rain not so much. Janice

Rose said...

Oh, first I have got to say you are the ONLY person I ever heard mention ginseng besides me!!!! (In blogland, I mean) Don't you love the color it turns in the fall!!!!!! I have not dug any in years, but always went somewhere just to see it through the summer and/or fall. I do love october...it is supposed to cool down here tomorrow.

I love the photos you chose to show today.

Quilting Babcia said...

October should be our fifth season, it is truly the most beautiful in these parts. We went from high 80s yesterday to 54 at the moment, and frost predicted for this weekend. And the heat may need to be turned on, or perhaps another quilt added to the bed. Our trees are losing leaves quickly this year, so the colors may be gone way too soon.

Granny Marigold said...

I am very fond of that Humbert Wolfe poem.
We have a couple of Hummingbirds that stay around all winter. I always wonder if it's the same ones. We keep our feeder up and the next door neighbour even has a light to keep his from freezing so there's food at least. But how they survive when it freezes is beyond me.

Hildred said...

Lovely post. A beautiful month if all goes well with the weatherman!!

Rose said...

Every time I see these photos, my heart skips a beat...

I hope you like that book even half as much as I did. I haven't readany of the ones about Hauxwel(l?) I cannot think how to spell it right now. But I think I would like to. I have watched bits of her videos.

Have you ever watched Winter Farm Story or Farm Story...they were uploaded by Trost Outdoors and I love both of them. But oh, they make me so lonesome for a time that is past for me. Oh, just saw there is a new one...Never Curse the Rain....the guy name doing the talking is Jerry Apps....

When I was a kid, I hunted and dug ginseng...it was to get money to help buy material to make my school clothes. Now there is a season on it...I don't know if that is all over of just here in Indiana. Not even supposed to bring seeds home. Before this was illegal, about 30 years ago, I did have some growing in my yard. In a shady corner next to the house.

Well, there was a neighborhood collie that had been mistreated. And whoever was home during the day, she stayed at that house. Well, she dug up that corner the way dogs do to lay against cool earth. I never did get any more planted.

Kim said...

Your October looks so tranquil and magically transforming into autumnal hues. Your world does shine gloriously. I love October, too, but for the gorgeous hues of Spring that it gifts me.

Bonnie K said...

I had the same thing two years ago. I've never fretted so much in my life. I kept putting up the feeder during the day. All the articles said they know when to go. I think it disappeared around October 24th. I wish I could find out if it survived.