Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A Rainy Day and A Tree


It's a wonderful rainy day here; just what the doctor ordered.  We were delighted this morning to have puddles.  Millie and I splashed right through them and enjoyed every minute of it.  

And, just in case the rain should decide to change over to snow (which it's not going to do at 55 degrees), Santa Claus will be bringing me new Muck boots this Christmas.  They will be calf high so there shouldn't be a problem with snow going over their tops like there was last winter.  You may remember when we had our BIG snow, I had to turn around and go back home because the snow was deeper than my boots were tall.  Besides that, it was SO cold.  

We aren't doing much decorating for Christmas this year, other than for a couple of very slim Alpine trees ~ one in the front room and one in the sewing room.   

We have used an old set of rustic western village pieces this year, which seem to fit the alpine theme just fine.

I wouldn't mind living in one of these old homesteads, as long as I had a roaring warm fire when the cold winds are blowing.

Salt-glazed pottery and rustic stick houses may not seem a good match, but here on this little tree they seem to be happy together.  I bought these balls from a lady at a crafts fair many years ago. They are all hand painted with a different design.  She reminded me to be extra careful with them for they would break easily.  We have lost only one of them, but we never put them on the tree when the children and grandchildren were small.  

Wishing you all the simple joys of an old-fashioned Christmas.  Take care.



Rose said...

I love your trees and your rustic village. I think we will get some wetness tomorrow. Or that was the prediction last night. But also supposed to be 60° so it will be liquid and not frozen.

HappyK said...

Your decorations are lovely!! :)
Those new boots sound like just the thing for you. :)

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Mary, Your tree is lovely. We think alike at times-I would be comfortable living in an old homestead-and I would love one of those hearths set up for really cooking and baking-and with a beehive oven.
Your salt glazed ornaments are so pretty, I have been around many potters in the past and have never seen those
Really special
Merry Christmas

acorn hollow said...

I like simple and I do have a couple of salt glazed christmas balls too. But have not gotten them out as we are not putting up our big tree this year.
you are heartier than I am if it is raining, I do not walk.

Debra said...

Your tree is lovely! I'm excited for you getting new taller boots! And glad for your rain...We have had way too much of it, but we're glad for the warmer temperatures.

Quilting Babcia said...

Your beautiful slender alpine trees are so perfect for your country farmhouse, I wish we could find something similar for our small space. The salt glazed ornaments are a treasure too. When my children were young we sought out hand crafted ornaments every year so each of them would have a small collection of their childhood ornaments to take with them into their first adult home. Wishing you a blessed Christmas and good health in the New Year.

nookworm said...

I sure wish I could give you my muck boots as a backup pair. They are tall and comfy and I never wear them anymore. Hey~ Salt glazed pottery Christmas decorations! I must show these to my local potter. He will love them as I do for sure! May I use your image? The little rustic houses are wonderful to see.

Olde Dame Holly said...

Those pottery ornaments are heirlooms! How unusual and beautiful. Women (and it was women!) have added beauty to the simple things they make since the beginning of time! I think the trees look absolutely cozy and pretty. Very smart to have one in your sewing room, where you can enjoy it. Glad you are getting some taller boots for "the bleak midwinter" coming up!

Hootin Anni said...

Love, love, L🎄VE it all.
Those ornaments are beautiful Mary. I can't help but think now that Santa will bring you new, higher, boots...you won't need 'em. Isn't that the way it goes?!

Have a great day...I really enjoyed your holiday filled blog this week.

Hill Top Post said...

Nook and others who commented on the salt-glazed balls ~ The balls are actually glass with a glaze applied to mimic actual salt-glazed balls. Nook, if you don't mind my calling you that, even though I think you are Gert, you may use these images anyway you please. I wouldn't be surprised if your potter guy doesn't come up with some honest-to-goodness salt-glazed balls for you. I will be watching.

Kathy, I can just see you cooking before an open hearth...maybe not me so much! I could stop over at your homestead every so often for some honest-to-goodness hearty hearth-cooked food. :~)

Happy One, I do wonder what kind of boots you wear when the snow is deep. There is no way I could walk six miles in tall Muck Boots.

Anni ~ If I were one to wager bets, I would go with you against the odds that we will have another deep snow this winter. But, we must remember that the persimmon seeds all had spoons this year.

Come on over, Old Dame Holly, and we will sit for a while in the sewing room. I wrote about that very thing over on Linnie Butts & Company.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your tree is beautiful Mary. The little buildings are so very detailed and well done. I'm amazed. But, oh, I love those faux saltglaze painted balls! Saltglaze anything makes my heart pitter, so these would be so perfect. I knew someone who did little ornaments with saltglaze designs on them several years ago and I was lucky to get a few.... She actually made them out of a dough, but you wouldn't know they weren't actually clay. I don't think they muck boots tall enough for the snows of Nod. LOL. ~Robin~

Lady Locust said...

Oh, I am absolutely enthralled with those ornaments. Salt glazed pottery, but over a store-bought glass ornament? Is she still around? I luuuuvvv them!!! You just made my day. Just seeing them and your sweet tree is a treat. I've never seen anything like them~ simply beautiful! (And yes, now my wheels are spinning as to how to make them, if I could, if she still makes/sells them - hahaha)

Prims By The Water said...

What a joy to look at your rustic houses and salt glaze ornaments. Very festive and I need to find some for my tree. Janice

Granny Marigold said...

I like the tall narrow tree in the last picture. And the delicate glass ornaments that I'd be almost afraid to hang lest someone brush against them and they fell.
Nice that you know you're getting exactly the boots you want, and need, for winter walking in deep snow. Have a peaceful and happy Christmas.

Leigh said...

I love your decorations! We kept it simple this year too, but it's still Christmas!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

You know I can't help but love those rustic buildings on your tree! Not that I happen to love old buildings or anything of the sort. If I ever stumble across any of those they'll be coming home with me too. And I like the pottery ornaments too - I think they go perfectly together.
Happy and blessed Christmas wishes to you and yours.

Hootin Anni said...

Just popping by after I posted my last blog of the year to wish you all a wonderful holiday season.

Rose said...

I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas!