Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Field Notes...


Rain this morning... after such a long time without this blessing.  .4 of an inch.  

The little flower garden has been stripped to the bare bones.  A 48 inch border has been added along the fence.  It has now been covered in landscaping fabric and straw.  Seeds await next spring's planting.  

It seems that the woods are becoming more colorful each day. 

Pink along the trail... I have been missing the pink zinnias.  I am calling the colored sketch below, "Klee and Me."  I have been noticing that he often uses touches of pink in many of his paintings. 


Granny Marigold said...

Rain at last!! I hope we will get some too one of these days. Great water colour of you and Millie walking in the rain. I like the painting of you reading. At least I imagine it is you.
A 48" border will have SO much room for all your favourites! I collected a lot of zinnia seeds so far. Heaven only knows where I'll find room to sow them come Spring.

Julia said...

I like your drawings and watercolors. I'm glad that you finally got rain. I was wondering in which state do you live? Here we usually get too much rain. I live on the East Coast of Canada.

You'll have a lot more space to grow flowers next year.

Take care, hugs.

Hill Top Post said...

Julie, we live in Arkansas. I will have lots more space for flowers. I know I am probably crazy for wanting more to take care of. Our vegetable garden is lower down under the hill and does much better than the one here on the hill. I am amazed at all the vegetables you grow there. You inspire me to do better.

Hootin Anni said...

Gardening seems to take a winter rest and you are now prepared for Spring planting. I do so enjoy your journal art!!

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, I enjoy your sketches very much I have not done anything creative-except a little spinning-since august. You are way ahead of me on the flower beds-my zinnias and marigolds are still in full bloom along with those pretty red blooms on the pineapple sage. we are seeing fall colors here now too hugs from the lake

acorn hollow said...

I just love your artwork. We are in for at least an inch of rain and lots of high winds. typical fall weather here.

nookworm said...

If that is a little flower garden I wonder what a large one would look like! I would be overcome with the duty of caring for it, but the beauty of the plantings would certainly be rewarding, nevertheless. I'm looking for the donation of an old and leaky metal boat to fill with soil to plant my poppy and zinnia seeds next year. Hopefully one will come here! Your journal entries are thought-provoking this morning as it is pouring here.

Saundra said...

I too enjoy your artistic journal. Soon you'll be running out of pages so perhaps you will receive another as a gift this Christmas so you can continue entertaining us and leaving your family a legacy.

HappyK said...

Good work done and now you are already for the next planting season.
Our woods are so colorful too. Such a pretty time of year.

Prims By The Water said...

Your watercolors are precious! Am so loving the fall colors all around us now. Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

I can almost hear your garden sigh as it is being tucked in for the winter and lulled to sleep by the rain. I can't wait to see your new border in bloom next year! Love your painting of you and Millie walking in the rain. What a fantastic card that would make! We have turned cold...we did not get above 40º today..and there was a cold rain ... at time mixed with that "white stuff" ... off and on. Trying to find my winter bones. These early colds seem to hit harder than they really are since it takes a while to acclimate. Klee...I had to refresh my memory on his work....I always thought of him as the "cubist" LOL. Your painting should have clued me in. Art, obviously, is not one of my strengths. ~Robin~

Debra said...

I love to see your paintings my friend. They are beautiful. Your header photo is simply gorgeous. My zinnias are still blooming their little hearts out, along with the cosmos. I'm hoping the rose that is budding will have a chance to be in full flower. Sure wish we could take a walk together-perhaps someday we can.

Lady Locust said...

Playing a bit of catch up~ Am loving your artwork with the quotes. You sure are talented! What beautiful scenes you have to inspire you.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Such sweet images. I have started a journal and must make some sketches of my own.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

For me, it's always somewhat sad to see gardens put to bed for the winter.
For some reason when I saw your 'Klee and Me' painting I thought of Little Women but I also saw a resemblence to your dolls.