Today, I am missing the summer tanager. I am well aware that the time draws near when he will be leaving, but am still hoping to hear just one more song. I went to last year's calendar where I had kept daily notes on happenings throughout the year, and found that I had written on August 6, "The summer Tanager sang loud and long. It was a stellar performance."
On the 7th, I continued, "Lots of hummers around the feeders, but I saw nor heard the tanager. Was yesterday's song the last of the summer?" The final notation was made on the 19th. "I saw the Summer Tanager, but he quickly disappeared into the woods. I instantly knew that he was thinking about migration, and that there would be no more summer song."
It may be that I missed his final show yesterday while we were out making hay. That would have been the day, wouldn't it? August 6th. Oh well, it was a good year for him. He sang his heart out almost every day and seemed to enjoy my companionship. I know I enjoyed his.
I haven't kept calendar notes this year (not sure why) except for birthdays and my and Millie's consecutive walks over the hill. Yesterday was walk #851. That walk was made just as darkness settled over the land. Had I been taking notes, I would have written, "It was a good day in the hay field, other than for being very hot - 100 degrees F. We harvested 165 bales."
To make the time pass faster while I drove round and round the fields raking the hay, I listened to Big Country on the radio. My favorite for the day was an old Alabama song, Dixieland Delight.
"White-tail buck deer munchin' on clover
Red-tail hawk sittin' on a limb
Chubby old groundhog, croakin' bullfrog
Free as the feelin' in the wind
Home-grown country girl gonna give me a whirl
On a Tennessee Saturday night
Lucky as a seven, livin' in Heaven
With my Dixieland delight."
Wow! That's good isn't it!
The hummingbirds are giving it a whirl too, for they will soon follow on the tanager's heels. Summer always seems to go so fast.
In the meantime, Millie is trying to keep cool. And, I am needing to get some overgrown grasses out of the garden...