Monday, August 12, 2024

I was up early yesterday morning, before the rain began (for which we are so thankful), to finish chopping out the last of the tall grasses from the garden here on the hill.  And, chop I did, for just an ordinary crisp little act of hoeing would never get the job done.  But, done it is now, and I am feeling quite proud of myself.  

I have been rereading Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth Von Arnim, which I recommend to anyone who likes to dig in the dirt.  I have quite a collection of her quotes scribbled here and there in my little notebooks.

"Well, trials are the portion of mankind and gardeners have their share, and in any case it is better to be tried by plants than persons..." ~Elizabeth Von Arnim

Elizabeth also once wrote, "If I could only dig and plant myself."  I find that amusing, but I suppose being married to an aristocrat, as she was, could be socially restrictive in some ways.  

"I wish with all my heart I were a man, for of course the first thing I should do would be to buy a spade."  ~  Elizabeth Von Arnim

The Summer Tanager did visit me one last time, perching on his favorite fence post, before flying away.  I am so missing that sweet, sweet song.  He really has spoiled me.  Safe travels to you, my dear friend!  

A couple of days ago, I saw a pair of House Finches perched on the orchard fence.  They have always been among my favorites at the feeders, but have been a no-show the past couple of years.  Even though I don't feed the birds during summer months, I rushed to put sunflower seeds in the feeder, hoping to encourage them to stay.     

"Well, she had had the most wonderful summer; she had got that anyhow tucked away up the sleeve of her memory, and could bring it out and look at it when the days were wet and she felt cold and sick."

-Elizabeth von Arnim


Lisa said...

Well, I hope your anyhow is safely tucked up into the sleeve of your memory, Mary! And I hope your finches stick around, too. I was excited to hear a great horned owl hooting early this morning.

Morning's Minion said...

It seems to be that point in the gardening year when anything not previously subdued with hoe or hand weeding must be chopped and whacked. Jim pruned back the few tomato plants worth keeping and went at coarse grass and shriveled bean plants with the weed whacker. I picked beans and smashed more bean beetle larvae. Still hoping for some late season crops.

Granny Marigold said...

As you know, I'm going through my books and other 'stuff' as I declutter. Just this week I took down my old copy of Elizabeth and her German Garden and put it firmly on the "to keep" pile. One of these days if we ever have a rainy one I'll reread it.
I miss all the birds we used to see. Two reasons for the old cherry tree that had to be taken down and of course there's Miss Kitty who lurks near the bird feeders and bird bath :(

jabblog said...

You had a productive day - very satisfying.
The only book by Elizabeth von Armin that I've read is 'All the dogs of my life.'

Prims By The Water said...

I so love the finches. Hope yours come back. I Enjoyed seeing some gold and purple ones a few days ago. Janice

kathyinozarks said...

good morning beautiful post Mary

Anonymous said...

You take such wonderful photos. Do you recall what type of lens was used for the butterfly first photo? Or was it altered in some way?

TheCrankyCrow said...

Elizabeth was perceptive - and artful with her expressions. Just may have to check out the book. Ahhh...I love house finches! We never had many (any?) until this year and they graced me by raising their little family right outside the doors of my little cornzebo. Their chatter has slowed these past few weeks and I spy their color red less so I suppose it is getting on time for them to leave as well. That last photo is positively enchanting! ~Robin~

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Glad your tanager came back for one last visit before he headed south. We saw a whole (huge) flock of starlings yesterday so that's another sign that fall is here.

Hill Top Post said...

I love hearing the owls, but it's not very often that I do. Maybe I should go out early to listen for them.

Hill Top Post said...

That was the problem. The grasses were not previously kept subdued with hoe or by hand weeding. Good luck with the late crops.

Hill Top Post said...

Of course you would keep your copy of Elizabeth, gardener that you are! I enjoy reading her. I hope you kept Hannah too!

Hill Top Post said...

Having loved all the dogs in my life, maybe I should read Elizabeth's book about her dogs.

Hill Top Post said...

I would love to see your gold and purple finches. I haven't seen these again. :~(

Hill Top Post said...

We are back to hot weather here, so I am thankful I got the garden cleaned up. I am weary of summer. If I were there, I think I would cool my feet off in the water. :~)

Hill Top Post said...

I took the closeup shot of the butterfly with my IPhone. It really does take some good HD Photos.

Hill Top Post said...

Robin, I think you would enjoy reading Elizabeth. You two might be like two peas in a pod.

Rose said...

'Up the sleeve of her memory'....I so love that. We have the house finches and house sparrows! And doves. The doves built a nest in/on the wreath of the front door first, then they had one out back.

I love your photos this time. Well, I think I always do but I usually have a favorite.

Debbie Nolan said...

Mary your words and thoughts capture my heart as well. We do not see scarlet tanagers here but rarely. Wish we had them though. I am missing our Baltimore Orioles and preparing to say goodbye to the hummingbirds. They have really been buzzing about getting ready for their trip to their winter haven. Not familiar with Elizabeth von Amim - need to check out her book. Hope you are having a lovely day. Hugs!