Monday, August 5, 2019

To Begin, Begin...

William Wordsworth once wrote, "To begin, begin."  So, here I am, beginning again.  It's a new place to call my own, where I can hide out to parry and ponder.  I am so happy with the name, Hill Top Post, but, at the same time, I am also sad that my beloved Chip Butter White Oak had to be laid to rest.  The new name surely brings to mind another Hill Top found in another place and in another time - the Hill Top home of Beatrix Potter, which is quite an inspiration, for sure.

Margaret Lane in The Tale of Beatrix Potter wrote of Beatrix's Hill Top.  "At one end of Sawrey village is a small inn, the Tower Bank Arms, and immediately behind it, reached by a wicket gate in the high wall and a long sloping garden path, Beatrix Potter found a small, ordinary, roughcast and slate-roofed farmhouse, facing away from the village and over its own rick-yard and farm buildings to gently rising pasture crowned with woods.  In every respect unpretentious, the place yet had a quality of its own.  Its simple outline was filled in with many of the homely details of farmhouse life which had charmed her as a child:  herbs and flowers bloomed together beside the path; there was an untidy pink rose straggling across the face of the house and a beehive set in a sheltered niche in the wall; the kitchen had a good flagged floor, and there was a clean dairy; and the small mixed farm - a few cows and sheep and pigs and a scattering of poultry..."

Oh, how lovely Beatrix Potter's Hill Top must have been!  But, that is neither here, nor now.  It is here, down this country lane, that this tale will be told.  And, so we begin, again...

Welcome to Hill Top Post!


lil red hen said...

Looks like a peaceful place.

HappyK said...

A beautiful place to live.
Thanks for letting me know of your new blog!! : )

Rose said...

I feel like I have missed something, not knowing you from your other blog.

Morning's Minion said...

I knew there hadn't been a new post on Chip Butter for awhile, but only now realizing that blog has gone away. Thank you for posting a comment on my blog. Now I know where to find you!