Saturday, August 31, 2019

Time and Creativity...

"Creative work needs solitude.  It needs concentration, without interruptions.  It needs the whole sky to fly in, and no eye watching..."

~Mary Oliver


Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life.

~Brian Andreas

"No one is Youer than You."

~Dr. Seuss

"The world only has one chance at what's in there - one chance at you.  It's worth time, energy, embarrassment, failure and disappointment to work your way through to the deepest, most truly creative work you can do - the youest - the work of your utterly unique, snowflake of an imagination."

So, as I ponder these thoughts on time and creativity, I am reminded of what  precious resources both are.  There are, perhaps, a zillion ways to express our own creativity, and probably even more ways than that to use the time we have been given.  There's no doubt that by saying yes to one work means saying no to another.  My mom used to say, "It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul."

The thing of it, it seems, is to somehow or another squeeze into those oh-so-wonderful-twenty-four-hour-days the things we really want to do.  And, if something gets left out, we probably, in truth,  don't really want to do that thing.  At least we must know, that something else is more important than the little left out things we keep lamenting about not having time for.

So now, I'll go finish up the laundry and sweep off the porches.  And, I'm quite sure the hummingbird feeders will need refilling...   And....  So the day goes....


happyone said...

There is just so much you can do in a day. I try to enjoy each thing that I'm doing.
Once in a while I write a 'do' list. I list everything I did that day. That way you don't look at the 'to do list' and see what you didn't get done, but all the things that you did do! :)

Hill Top Post said...

I like your philosophy of only listing the positives. I jot what I did for the day on my calendar; thankfully, there's not room enough to list all of those things that I didn't get done. :~)

Hill Top Post said...

Oh my, I guess it is time for you to be getting ready for winter. It's not something to be put off until Ole Man Winter comes knocking at your door. It will be good to have some time to work out all the plans for your new home. Of course, there will be a sewing room! :~) Next week's weather looks good here for putting up hay, so we are going to do all we can. That's not something to put off either. My son is teaching again this year, so he won't be coming back to work there. I love some of the pictures he sent home from there - rolling plains and deserted old homes. It's a beautiful land!

Rose said...

I loced the Dr. Seuss quote...I am one to do the things I dread doing first and save the things I enjoy as a treat. I sometimes think I should start living life the other way around.

Hill Top Post said...

That's kind of what I am thinking. So, if I run out of time, it's the not-so`fun stuff that gets the short end of the stick. :~)

jenclair said...

Great quotes to keep in mind when we feel too hurried, too rushed, too busy to make time for the things we love. Creativity has so many outlets, and we need to remember that even chores can have a creative touch, can provide inspiration. Sometimes I have ideas while doing the most mundane things that allow my mind to be free. Mopping the floor can be boring, but what I'm thinking about doesn't have to be. That doesn't mean I don't neglect chores when I'm busy embroidering or working on a project. I do have priorities, and if I'm busy with a needle or project, the floors can wait. :)

Faith said...

Mary, thank you so much stopping over my place, and for becoming a rose "bud". :) The quotes.. it is so interesting that in them you will find a meaning, if you take the time and ponder it to your own life. Isn't it just like life, the fun things there are short supply of time, or it goes so quickly, but the floor, and the laundry...the old faithful's are always waiting for you. HMPF! :)

Hildred said...

The last thing I do at night is look forward with anticipation to my plans for the 'morrow!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

The illusive time dilemma. So many opportunities, so many choices...Listen to your heart. Thank you, Mary for showcasing your lovely dolls along with these quotes to ponder.

Lady Locust said...

This is ironically timely. Just prior to reading this I told hubby, "I think my time account at the bank is overdrawn." I have things lined up and ready. I just need to be home to do them. I'm looking forward to autumn being a little slower.

Hill Top Post said...

I like that you added these thoughts here. I suppose the doing of the mundane things gives us time to rethink things a bit.

Hill Top Post said...

I love being a rose "bud." :~) Your Oliver Wendall Holmes quote surely goes right along with our thoughts here on time and creativity. It is certainly going into my little notebook of favorite quotes.

Hill Top Post said...

Thank you, Hildred. "With anticipation" is the key, I think!

Hill Top Post said...

Thank you, Martha! Sometimes, we do need to listen to our hearts.

Hill Top Post said...

Now, that's a new thought, "a time account at the bank." We really do have just so much time in our accounts, so.... How should we spend it?

Hill Top Post said...

Sandra, I tried to figure out how to add a photo here, one my son took while there, but can't. I really am ready for jacket weather, but first, there's lots of work to be done. I will be watching for your geese flying over. It may take them a month to make it this far south.

acorn hollow said...

Thank you for visiting my blog so nice to find you. I work full time and it is hard to find time to do what I really want to do. So I have tried to do exactly that I let the laundry sit another day if I have the chance to do something creative and fun. Of course family and friends always come first.

Dianna said...

Those are beautiful quotes. Thank you for sharing them! They're just what I needed to hear today.

Prims By The Water said...

Thank you for your sweet comment to my blog. Always like to find new blogs to read. Will enjoy getting to know you! Creativity usually hits me when I am at work and I have to jot things down. Janice

Kim said...

I have always loved the quote of Dr Seuss "there is no-one alive who is youer than you". It always gives me a sense of calm and contentment. Your beautiful creations have caused me to does that sweet little Singer sewing machine.