Thursday, September 19, 2019

"Mule Skinner Blues"...

Mules from my sister's farm...

It has been a week of Ken Burns here on our Hill Top.  Well, along with all the other stuff that one has to deal with when a drought takes over the farm.  But, for now, I think I would rather talk about this remarkable documentary we have been watching on PBS television about Country Music. Have any of you been watching too?

I have been a country music fan for most of my life.  I can remember listening to the Grand Ole' Opry on the radio before we had television.  My dad would sometimes come into the kitchen  singing to my mother, "Hey, Good Lookin' What You Got Cookin'.  How about cooking something up with me?"   Those were happy times.  

My list of favorite songs and singers is a long one, with Merle Haggard usually coming out on top.  But, now, after a couple of episodes of Ken Burns, I think I have a new favorite song.  Would anyone want to wager a guess?  That's right!  It's Dolly Parton's "Mule Skinner Blues."  How about that first note?  I was beginning to think she would never come up for air!

I also love the whistling throughout the song.  My hubby can whistle like that, and without putting his fingers in his mouth, either,  like a lot of the guys and gals do these days.  Why, I think his whistles may be partly the reason the two of us ended up getting married. :~)  


Well, good morning, Captain
Good morning to you, Sir
Hey hey, yeah


Well I'm a lady mule skinner
From down old Tennessee way
Hey hey, I come from Tennessee

I can make any mule listen
Or I won't accept your pay
Hey hey, I won't take your pay


Well, hey hey, little water boy
Won't you bring your water 'round?
Hey hey

If you don't like your job
Well, you can throw your bucket down
Throw it down boy, throw it down


Listen to it here.


Rose said...

Yes, we have been watching...the bad thing is of all time our PBS was on the blink part of the time. I have loved the old pictures...I loved Merle...specially his older stuff. I could hardly believe it when he died. I have always loved Dolly, she is from my part of the world.

Lady Locust said...

We don't have television but I heard about it. I've heard Mule skinner - she's amazing anyways. My mom can whistle like that. I can barely whistle normal let alone crazy loud. Eddy Arnold is another I like 😊

lil red hen said...

Yes, we've watched all four nights; well, the farmer slipped off into dream land about half way through, but I really enjoyed the programs. I think my favorite parts were about Hank Williams and Johnny Cash. Did I miss something? I didn't see Dolly...

Hill Top Post said...

Episode 1 ended with Dolly's Mule Skinner song. Then, in Episode 2 (I think) part of it was played again. We also loved the parts about Hank and Johnny. Patsy Cline was just amazing, too. What a voice! Do you remember the pictures I posted here? I have enjoyed the old pictures on the program so much. Really, they didn't have much on us, for sure! There are four more episodes. Yay! Finally something descent to watch on t.v.

Hill Top Post said...

When I typed the Mule Skinner song, I thought of you, Rose. I figured you were watching!

Hill Top Post said...

I've never mastered the art of whistling either. Dan says that I've never practiced long and hard enough. He remembers working on his whistle until the wee hours one night after a neighbor girl came down the road whistling like crazy. He said he thought, "If a girl can whistle, then I can!" :~)

Hootin Anni said...

I love Country! I've only watched a few minutes of the program series. My favorites are Marty Robbins, Eddy Arnold (saw him in person), Loretta Lynn, and I'd have to say Roy Clark (also saw him in concert, live). Never was much interest in M.Haggard tho. Ohhhhh, and don't forget Willie Nelson!!! I am going to follow you. And visit again, when I can. Thanks for leaving a comment at Hootin' Anni's.

jenclair said...

Funny, I was just reading about Gram Parsons whose switch to country was after hearing Merle Haggard. I had to check out Dolly's Mule Skinner Blues on Youtube--she was so young! :)

HappyK said...

We don't have TV so no we aren't watching it.
Sorry not a fan of country and western.
The farm looks so very dry!!

Hill Top Post said...

Yes, so young and pretty. And so talented.

Hill Top Post said...

Ken Burns is doing a great job telling the story of Country Music, but we all knew he would. Thank you for visiting here.

Quilting Babcia said...

In our rural valley we're cut off from accessing TV or the internet except by satellite, but that has the benefit of DVR recording of some programming which we take advantage of. So I'm watching the first episode as I write this awaiting Dolly's version of Mule Skinner Blues. Been a fan of old timey country music all my life.

Hill Top Post said...

We finally got some rain today and cooler temperatures. Our walk over the hill was delightful!

Hill Top Post said...

We are so spoiled to our DVR. I am sure you will be sewing while you listen. I did some, but got so interested in the old pictures that I finally put it down and just watched.

Prims By The Water said...

I wanted to watch this and missed it. I hope they do a rerun of it. Janice

Hill Top Post said...

I think they are going to do a rerun - maybe tomorrow. There will be a total of eight episodes.

acorn hollow said...

I am not a huge country music fan but heard it my whole life. I would like to watch it if it ever returns.

Rose said...

Just coming back down here to reply to your comment on my blog...if you can make a doll like that, you can make a 4-patch! Or anything else.

I sure don't read as much as I used to...oh, I would have thought I had died and gone to heaven when I was a kid if I had half the books I have now. I used to always have a genre I wwould get into but now it is always hard for me to settle. Except I love memoirs and autobiographies of people that have lived in Alaska, Yukon, or what I refer to as the North Country!

I got a kindle to begin with because of all the free books...old books. Then found out that there are newer books. Then there are those that I have a hard copy of but wanted them on my kindle, too. Love that I have a whole library at my fingertips.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love donkeys and mules, even more than horses.