Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My Latest Monster...

Some years ago, after having been working in my garden all of one morning, I remember saying to my little four-year-old grandson, "I think your Mary has created a monster here."  Of course, he didn't comprehend the meaning of that statement.  (There he is in the picture, fishing in the little pond where, in reality, there were no fish.  Bless his little heart!)

That garden was a big ole' garden.  I just kept planting and creating more walkways from rocks I brought in from the streams on the place.  I had dump truck loads of shavings brought in from a local sawmill.  I bought plants and friends gave me plants for the beds and borders along those paths which I carefully tended.

What was I thinking?  Oh, I loved that garden and didn't mind the work at all, but I was already working a full-time job and helping out on the farm too.  It wasn't long before I realized I had, indeed, created a monster.  A few years later we built another house, the one here on our Hill Top, and I left the old garden behind, which I was sad to do.  Our kids have lived there off and on, but none are really much interested in keeping the gardens.  Our son said he thinks we need to take a bull dozer to them.  Ouch!

Here on the hill, I have tried to keep the gardens smaller and simpler, so they are easier to care for.  We don't need another monster here.  But, lately, I have been thinking that maybe, with the new Shanty and Hummingbird Garden, I have done it again.  Why, those delightful little hummingbirds just keep coming.  And, they are hungry!  My mother would probably say, "It takes enough food to feed Coxey's Army."

So, here it is - my latest monster- The Shanty Garden, from spring to fall (almost).  


Lady Locust said...

What a beautiful space! At our previous house, I called them "the buzzards" because there were so many and they would buzz us. At our new place, there are far fewer, and they seem grateful for the nourishment. Maybe after a year or two they will multiply and be monsters - heehee. Guess I'll find out.

HappyK said...

I think you have done a tremendous job in creating your 'monster' garden. It is beautiful!!!

Rose said...

Oh, I so love it...and love the old. You do such a good job.

I have been thinking I need to do a post about rocks...I so love rocks and collect them where ever I go and can as long as I can tell they are not being used for erosion. And neighbors I have whenever they go anywhere, they try to bring me a rock. And I have told them that they couldn't spend a $100 and get me anything I like better. And that is the truth. And my brother and his wife brought me one from our old home place. I told Roger if we ever move, the rocks are going with me!

Prims By The Water said...

Great shanty and great job creating it! I have a honeysuckle vine that the hummers love! Janice

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Once a gardener, always a gardener, Mary. Darling photo of your grand fishing. The spaces you have created are lovely and serene. Your hummers are happy ones enjoying your grace, my friend. ♥

Dianna said...

What a lovely garden, and how fun to have hummingbirds popping in and out all day! You are a true gardener. :)

Kim said...

Such a beautiful little garden in which to sit and be quiet, drinking in the beauty of the flowers and the surrounding landscape....and then there are the beautiful hummingbirds...bliss! Love the vignette of the garden seen through the window. Such a pretty outlook. I did smile at the thought of your sweet grandson fishing in the pond with no fish. Such a gorgeous memory for you both.

jenclair said...

Love the picture of your grandson fishing! What a lovely retreat you have created for yourself and the hummers. :)

Bonnie K said...

Good for you. A garden is a soother of the soul. My gardens also grow, but I'm sure they will keep me from getting bored when I retire.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love your monster garden. so beautiful