Thursday, February 11, 2021

"Turning tears and trials into beauty..."


"Turning tears and trials into beauty..." I am not sure where I read or heard that, but I found it written in my "Creating and Dressing a Doll" Journal.  

Actually, I am not sure I have ever shed a tear when making a doll.  Oh, I may have stomped my feet and tossed a few into the trash can (only to go back to retrieve them in a bit), but to actually cry.... No, I have not.  

The Five Best Friends Forever are progressing right along.  The two pictured, Jillie Cooper and Jubilee Cliff have their faces now.  These two sweet girls were brave to step up to be first.  There certainly has been a lot of guessing, testing, and revising for these two who have surged forward to break the waters.  But, one good thing for them, they are first out of the cans.  When the others get their faces, we will have a day for painting arms and legs.  

How's the weather over your way?  I try not to complain much about whatever comes, for that's not  in my department to change.  The weather here is unpleasant to say the least, but not so bad that Millie and I have missed a single walk over the hillside trail.  We are now on day 1,311 without missing.  Millie's always ready to go.  She's a great inspiration for without her, I might dream up a good reason for not going.  

I pulled the  picture below from my files taken a couple of years ago.  We haven't had much snow this year. (This morning the ground was covered in ice and sleet.)  However that may change before next week is over.  We are quite worried about the bitter cold heading over from Asia which could break records this far south.  We just don't see many zero and below zero nights here.  We worry most about the farm animals.  Hopefully, they will find a cedar thicket and hunker down.  

From our hearthside to yours, take care and keep warm.  



Magpie's Mumblings said...

Those faces - so expressive and sweet. How I wish I could be a little fly on the wall and watch you work on them! I've made dolls over the years but never anything as delightful as yours.
We haven't had too much snow in our area of Ontario but the past week it's been quite cold and by all reports the cold will continue for a bit longer. I think at the moment it's simply too cold to snow (maybe that's a good thing!).

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Mary, the faces on your dolls are lovely!
stay safe out there, it was colder today so the walk up the mailbox was pretty icey today. looking at the weather report online-this will not turn around to warmer for another full week sigh--no use complaining about it though-stay warm-

Lady Locust said...

Oh you keep warm as well.
And your girls are beautiful~

HappyK said...

Our weather? Snow, snow, and more snow. So beautiful though so can't complain.

Olde Dame Holly said...

What lovely faces the dolls have. Tinted so beautifully.

Quilting Babcia said...

Those sweet faces, I can only wonder what they are thinking! Stay safe and warm, ice is definitely not nice.

Morning's Minion said...

The walk up the lane to the mailbox has been chilly for the past week, a cold wind that bites the face--not really pleasant to be outside. The cats go out and return disgruntled. Weather for reading, a bit of sewing, baking.
I notice that the grass in your landscape, as in ours, is bleached and brown-- a mere hint of green at soil level.

Gretchen Joanna said...

I'm glad to see an update, anytime, on any of your dolls! It's a bright spot in my blog browsing.

We are getting rain in my part of Northern California right now - yay!! I did some shopping the last two days so I didn't need to go out today. I think it's going to rain all night and that is delicious.

Granny Marigold said...

Jillie and Jubilee are looking lovely. They certainly look brave and ready for whatever their future holds.
Our weather is quite nasty. Cold winds that give us windchill temps way below what we normally get. I'm not walking when it's so cold. Good for you and Millie to persevere.

acorn hollow said...

we are cold this morning a lowly 4 but our Jan was warmer than usual. Small snow storms here and there not the big north Easters we get.
Sweet dolls

Rose said...

The girls are so beautiful! There are no words to Express how I feel about them.

That is a lot of days to walk without missing any! I hope you dont have to miss any with the coming weather.

nookworm said...

Out of the can ~ I love that ~ they are surely becoming more beautiful and their personalities being revealed with change. Three to go! I really enjoy the growth and development of the girls. Cold here and we finally got to town for three weeks of laundry! YAY! Only 36 more days until Spring...whoooooooooopie!

Prims By The Water said...

Your work is so amazing! Congrats on another milestone of walking with Millie. Janice

Henny Penny said...

I've never heard of such cold, snowy, rainy, windy, weather as we've had since December. I talk a lot about the weather, but afraid to complain too could be worse. I worry about the animals too.

Your brave girls are just beautiful. Those sweet faces, and their dresses are looking wonderful. I especially love the brown dress. I feel like I would love to hold one; they look so alive.

Debra said...

Your dolls are so beautiful. I am having such a hard time with the ones I'm making, and the thought of a trash can has entered my mind...I'm just not sure if they are worth spending more time on, and I wonder-are they going to fill up a tote in my store room? What do I do with them? Oh, sorry for letting my thoughts take up so much room here-you are kind to visit my blog, and I do wish I could take classes from you!

Bonnie K said...

Tomorrow is the day Ella and I walk. Iam not sure I want to go because I am worried about her paws. I can dress warm, but the cold has been so hard on her feet. I doesn't help that a mountain lion has been very bold this week. I admire your daily walk. It is most definitely a goal when I retire.

Curtains in My Tree said...

Oh My gosh my weather is minus 5 this morning with wind chill minus 25 with blowing winds.
I like seeing your creations of your dolls. I only have one primitive doll now seemed years ago I gave a few away, primitive anything was my first love when I started collecting back in 1971. You have a real talent to create