I enjoy this place from which I can watch and record bird activity. It's hard to imagine that the first hummingbirds may be here in just over a month.
Look at this weather acting all cute and springy like it didn't try to kill us last week. ~From Facebook, of course. Fortunately we did survive the near record-breaking Arctic blast of last week, and now, it's as though spring has arrived in all her glory. How great it is! I am sure we must all have the worst case of spring fever ever. I know I do!
We weren't far up the trail this morning before I realized I was way overdressed, so off came this old jacket, which is in reality just a liner from an old army surplus coat. (I am currently working on a new trail jacket that I can't wait to leave hanging on a cedar peg.) These old cedar branch stubs must surely have a purpose, wouldn't you think? Over the years, there has only been one time that I forgot to go back to retrieve my coat left hanging there, and only realized it when the following morning I couldn't find my coat. I was thankful a burly ole bear didn't find it before I did.